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Lewa Krom


What's the point of doing exceptionally well in school?


I'm sick of it. Yeah, I got a perfect score on my Algebra II exam, yipee (that's a sarcastic "yipee" ;)). Guess what? I don't care. I want to have time to be creative, not be smothered by pointless activities at school. I have a truckload of stories I want to write and be creative with but I never get the time because I'm supposed to have perfect grades in school or I, quote, won't get into a good college. I fail to see the point in doing my absolute best when there's nothing worth gaining from it.


School just doesn't seem to like creativity one bit. :(


(Just needed to vent a little)


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I wholeheartedly agree with this. in every way possible, schools are useless for creativity. except art, but there isn't enough of that.


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I've asked myself the same question many times; I guess one just has to suffer in the present to be rewarded in the future. A good college education is something that'll help a person throughout life, so suffering in middle/high school to get to one is worthwhile.
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But if the stuff is boring in school and college why would you want to go into a job in a field you find boring? Is it worth having good pay to do something tedious for 40+ years of your life?

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Amen! Good thinking! My words exactly!


Give this guy a million dollars and a goat!!! *a giant box opens, and a goat is seen chewing on the last of what looks like green paper. Crickets start chirping* ....make that a goat with indigestion.


Ok, ignore that last part :P


Anyway, LK, the reason is simple...and humorous. We do school to become nerds....And Bill Gates summed what that means when he said, "be nice to the nerds, you'll be working for them one of these days."


You study and learn math and non-creative elements to become educated so you can have smooth sailing through college. You also learn to study, the combination of which means companies are ready to hire you...and most artists (including English majors) had other jobs to pay the bills (being an artist of any kind doesn't pay much). C. S. Lewis was a professor, as was J. R. R. Tolkien I believe (don't quote me on it). Unless you are a musician and are touring and living off college-like food, then you're probably going to want another job...which comes easily when you get amazing grades in college, which comes from learning to study and learning and retaining the basics early in highschool, which comes from sticking to it now.


Unless you want to marry a woman who's a doctor, and then all you will need to learn and do till retirement is cook and tutor the children... but that's another story all together.


...but I'm rambling...

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