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Politics & Religion Clarification



Politics and Religion in the Blogs


First off, we'd like to note that the religion and politics rules in the forums are very strict, whereas in the blogs, we tend to be a little loose in those areas. As such, this has presented a lot of confusion. This entry is hopefully going to clear that up. This will be left open so you can ask questions here as well.


Addendum: Concerning the election and politics in general, I would suggest you keep it to who you supported and if they won or not. If an entry gets too political it will be locked.





Allowed in blogs:

  • Mentioning your religion.
  • Mentioning religion-tied holidays
  • Explanations of religious holidays (just don’t get too in-depth. If it starts a debate/flame war, it will be removed.)
Not allowed in blogs:
  • Bashing of other religions
  • “This religion is better.”
  • “You should convert to…”
  • Anything you think might spark flame.


Fine in blogs:

  • “I support (X candidate)”
  • "How voting works" entries (and the like)
  • "Go out and vote" entries
Not fine in blogs:
  • Candidate/leader bashing
  • Discussion of major issues
  • Anything you think might spark a debate.
Just like in Completely Off Topic, there is nothing wrong with discussing politics and reigion with your friends or in small groups. It is good to go out and get information on these matters. Unfortunately in the past, allowing discussion here have led to flame wars. And instead of allowing hatred and misinformation to fester, we are simply not going to allow it here.



Oh, and one minor note. Just because a particular case isn't listed here, does not give you a free pass to write any entry. If you are unsure about any topic, field the idea with the blog staff first, or ask about it here.


-The Blog Staff


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I was actually just wondering about this sort of thing the other day, so I find this really helpful.


Concerning politics, what about neutral commentary on world news? Or commentary that states both sides of the said news article?

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Since most world news is generally a major issue, the answer is no. Even having commentary on each side has a good chance of sparking debate.


Non-politically based news is fine, assuming it doesn't break any other rules.


If you want, just send me a PM with a link containing the article in question. Then I can give you a definite answer. :)



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That's what I thought the answer would be K, just wanted to check.


And seeing as I don't have a blog, sending a PM to you would be rather useless. :P


I'm just planning ahead for the future, that's all...

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Good stuff. BZP ain't the place for political or religious debate, not even in a blog. BZP owns your blog, kids. Remember to follow the rules and fight the flames.



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Religious sigs, posts, and PMs are not allowed on BZPower. This includes quotes from the Bible, Koran, or other religious publication, as well as statements or sigs such as "Jesus Loves You" or "Proud to be a Christian".


Nope. This rule applies to the blogs as well as it has the potential to start a flame war..



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Thanks a bunch, guys! ^_^ Since I'm really involved in my church, sometimes it's hard to decide what I should or shouldn't say in my blog. This helps a bit. And when those presidental elections eventually roll around, maybe the war won't reflect into here (as much :P )

This whole blog is really nice, too! Now we're official on how to report blog junk. *dances*

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I'm going to be a premier member quite soon, so I have a question.


I know it's alright to mention my faith, but is it okay to mention how I am doing in my faith? Or if I have a couple questions about it, in my blog can I ask someone to PM me for the questions?

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Kohaku, you know at times of trouble, I pray through my blog, so I can tell the people and pray to my God at the same time But I do not base everything on my God, but on telling my problem, and the people that comment focus on the problem, not on my belief.


Your verdict?



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Kohaku, you know at times of trouble, I pray through my blog, so I can tell the people and pray to my God at the same time But I do not base everything on my God, but on telling my problem, and the people that comment focus on the problem, not on my belief.


Your verdict?



As has been seen in your blog before, the overt religious language is not allowed.


Trust me, I understand why you desire to blog in such a way (I do the same thing off-site), but this sort of religious language is not allowed on BZP.


You can discuss your problems, but not through an obvious prayer.

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Isn't there an option of having the blog connected to another blog site (and vice versa)? I'm technically making my blog an autobiography for myself when I'm older, just want to make sure I can cover a few bases...



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Isn't there an option of having the blog connected to another blog site (and vice versa)? I'm technically making my blog an autobiography for myself when I'm older, just want to make sure I can cover a few bases...



What you mean by connecting?



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Isn't there an option of having the blog connected to another blog site (and vice versa)? I'm technically making my blog an autobiography for myself when I'm older, just want to make sure I can cover a few bases...



Only BZPower Blogs are permitted to be linked to, as all other sites count as open forums.

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So basically make your own blog via the various blogging services that exist and write about whatever you want there, and promote your blog in the manner in which blogs are usually promoted elsewhere?

Bit odd that all other sites count as open forums.

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Bit odd that all other sites count as open forums.

Advertising policy has been like this since the beginning. It doesn't just affect forums. It affects other innappropriate sites as well along with sites that cannot control the content of.



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Alright, for my religion they use what are called 'Altar Servers'. People who assist the priest in the services. If I were to explain some of the things I did, would that be ok?


See, I just want to tell that I miss some old days where Altar Serving was different than it was now, but I'd have to explain why it's different, and why I liked it better, etc.


Thanks :)


Oh, another question: Would it be ok to have a discussion with someone about their choice of canadate through PM or in a blog entry if they agree to it, and we keep it civil? I'd just like to know some people's opinions on why they chose who they chose.



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Oh, another question: Would it be ok to have a discussion with someone about their choice of canadate through PM or in a blog entry if they agree to it, and we keep it civil? I'd just like to know some people's opinions on why they chose who they chose.

Not in a blog entry no. That would be considered political discussion, regardless of how civil it is.



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Alright, for my religion they use what are called 'Altar Servers'. People who assist the priest in the services. If I were to explain some of the things I did, would that be ok?


See, I just want to tell that I miss some old days where Altar Serving was different than it was now, but I'd have to explain why it's different, and why I liked it better, etc.

Nope, that would be getting too detailed.



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The BZPower rules and guidelines do also apply to PMs, so it wouldn't be OK. Also, bear in mind that that sort of thing could be forwarded to a staff member by the recipient, especially if it did lead to flaming
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The BZPower rules and guidelines do also apply to PMs, so it wouldn't be OK. Also, bear in mind that that sort of thing could be forwarded to a staff member by the recipient, especially if it did lead to flaming

Ok, thanks. :)



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This brings up a question I've been curious about for quite a while:


People seem to hold "Evolution" with the same degree of reverence and zeal(respectively) as would anyone be about any other faith or belief. Why is it not treated the same as one? I will see people go off onto off-topic discussions and debates about it where it's scarcely relevant to the topic, and it takes rather a long time to get those posts deleted, it seems, in contrast to ones of other religious or off-topic nature.


Do the rules just lack clarification about this, or are things related to the theory of Evolution given special immunity for some reason?



I apologize if I sounded rude or disrespectful in any way about this, but I'm rather confused as to why this is. Is it just that the topics and blogs I've stumbled upon never get such content removed from them, by accident?






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