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Politics & Religion Clarification



Politics and Religion in the Blogs


First off, we'd like to note that the religion and politics rules in the forums are very strict, whereas in the blogs, we tend to be a little loose in those areas. As such, this has presented a lot of confusion. This entry is hopefully going to clear that up. This will be left open so you can ask questions here as well.


Addendum: Concerning the election and politics in general, I would suggest you keep it to who you supported and if they won or not. If an entry gets too political it will be locked.





Allowed in blogs:

  • Mentioning your religion.
  • Mentioning religion-tied holidays
  • Explanations of religious holidays (just don’t get too in-depth. If it starts a debate/flame war, it will be removed.)
Not allowed in blogs:
  • Bashing of other religions
  • “This religion is better.”
  • “You should convert to…”
  • Anything you think might spark flame.


Fine in blogs:

  • “I support (X candidate)”
  • "How voting works" entries (and the like)
  • "Go out and vote" entries
Not fine in blogs:
  • Candidate/leader bashing
  • Discussion of major issues
  • Anything you think might spark a debate.
Just like in Completely Off Topic, there is nothing wrong with discussing politics and reigion with your friends or in small groups. It is good to go out and get information on these matters. Unfortunately in the past, allowing discussion here have led to flame wars. And instead of allowing hatred and misinformation to fester, we are simply not going to allow it here.



Oh, and one minor note. Just because a particular case isn't listed here, does not give you a free pass to write any entry. If you are unsure about any topic, field the idea with the blog staff first, or ask about it here.


-The Blog Staff


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Would posting a picture of a Lego System diorama featuring a minifigure rendition of your favorite candidate, their running mate, and a couple of their news-making supporters in your blog be allowed? Also, said diorama also has a paper... thing... that shows the candidate and has their campaign slogan on it. Is that allowed?

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russia jokes ok rite?

Depends on the context of the joke.


Would posting a picture of a Lego System diorama featuring a minifigure rendition of your favorite candidate, their running mate, and a couple of their news-making supporters in your blog be allowed? Also, said diorama also has a paper... thing... that shows the candidate and has their campaign slogan on it. Is that allowed?

I'm gonna have to say no. I could see something like that getting a bit out of hand.




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OK... I posted the results of the Presidential Election in my blog, Shine locked it, and now that it says we can make entries as long as they don't get out of hand.


My question is: Can I unlock my locked entry?




Nevermind, my entry is opened again.

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Mm, I have a question! Almost did this earlier today, but I wanted to check. Can I post lyrics of like "Religious Songs" (saying things like, "thank you, Lord for Saving Me." etc.) Because If not, then I never get to post song lyrics -cry- I only listen to Christian Music (and classical, but no words there ;P)





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Mm, I have a question! Almost did this earlier today, but I wanted to check. Can I post lyrics of like "Religious Songs" (saying things like, "thank you, Lord for Saving Me." etc.) Because If not, then I never get to post song lyrics -cry- I only listen to Christian Music (and classical, but no words there ;P)





We have allowed these in the past. However, if the resulting comments and conversation took a decisively rule-flaunting turn [ie: the comments began bashing other religions, promotion of one religion over others, etc...] then the entry will be edited and locked.


Same goes for the lyrics themselves. Before putting them up, make sure they are of the type that they are not going to incite some sort of flaming or bashing. Comments should stick to 'I like that song' and the like.


What if I made a banner with a quote from an election speech, would that be OK?


[EDIT:] And if I used it among the forum?

This quote from the official BZP sig rules might help here:

No political statements may be made in signatures without approval of the BZP administration.

So, in that vein, PM B6 or another admin with your speech snippet. If he/they approve it, then beuno. If not, then no bueno.

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Would there be any problem with mentioning the inauguration in a blog entry? Provided it remains something simple such as "I went to the inauguration today."

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Would there be any problem with mentioning the inauguration in a blog entry? Provided it remains something simple such as "I went to the inauguration today."
That's fine.
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Kohaku, you know at times of trouble, I pray through my blog, so I can tell the people and pray to my God at the same time But I do not base everything on my God, but on telling my problem, and the people that comment focus on the problem, not on my belief.


Your verdict?




Sorry, Arch-Angel.

BZP's just prejudice. They say people get "offended" by religion so they think the best way to solve the problem is to take away our religious rights and offend us instead by saying we can't even pray in our own blogs and more.


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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Kohaku, you know at times of trouble, I pray through my blog, so I can tell the people and pray to my God at the same time But I do not base everything on my God, but on telling my problem, and the people that comment focus on the problem, not on my belief.


Your verdict?



Sorry, Arch-Angel.

BZP's just prejudice. They say people get "offended" by religion so they think the best way to solve the problem is to take away our religious rights and offend us instead by saying we can't even pray in our own blogs and more.


-Jordboy1 :miru:

The problem isn't with members getting 'offended,' or any sort of political correctness. The problem with religious [and political] topics is that they tend to end up in flames. Had you been here when the rule was not in effect, you would have seen this. Because there are members on all sides of religious discussions and persuasions on BZPower who are not responsible nor respectful enough to discuss these topics maturely, these discussions are no longer allowed.


If you want to write and post prayers on-line, I suggest you get a blog outside of BZPower.

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Kohaku, you know at times of trouble, I pray through my blog, so I can tell the people and pray to my God at the same time But I do not base everything on my God, but on telling my problem, and the people that comment focus on the problem, not on my belief.


Your verdict?



Sorry, Arch-Angel.

BZP's just prejudice. They say people get "offended" by religion so they think the best way to solve the problem is to take away our religious rights and offend us instead by saying we can't even pray in our own blogs and more.


-Jordboy1 :miru:

The problem isn't with members getting 'offended,' or any sort of political correctness. The problem with religious [and political] topics is that they tend to end up in flames. Had you been here when the rule was not in effect, you would have seen this. Because there are members on all sides of religious discussions and persuasions on BZPower who are not responsible nor respectful enough to discuss these topics maturely, these discussions are no longer allowed.


If you want to write and post prayers on-line, I suggest you get a blog outside of BZPower.


Hmmmm, how about Draft blog entries then?

Are those maybe allowed?


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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Kohaku, you know at times of trouble, I pray through my blog, so I can tell the people and pray to my God at the same time But I do not base everything on my God, but on telling my problem, and the people that comment focus on the problem, not on my belief.


Your verdict?



Sorry, Arch-Angel.

BZP's just prejudice. They say people get "offended" by religion so they think the best way to solve the problem is to take away our religious rights and offend us instead by saying we can't even pray in our own blogs and more.


-Jordboy1 :miru:

The problem isn't with members getting 'offended,' or any sort of political correctness. The problem with religious [and political] topics is that they tend to end up in flames. Had you been here when the rule was not in effect, you would have seen this. Because there are members on all sides of religious discussions and persuasions on BZPower who are not responsible nor respectful enough to discuss these topics maturely, these discussions are no longer allowed.


If you want to write and post prayers on-line, I suggest you get a blog outside of BZPower.


Hmmmm, how about Draft blog entries then?

Are those maybe allowed?


-Jordboy1 :miru:

What is the point of having a draft blog entry when no one can even see it or comment?



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I dunno, just asking. Sometimes I have drafts when I'm not sure if I want it public...and this is usually the only blog I use.

Also my brother sometimes makes entries...which I leave on draft...lol

But it shouldn't matter should it, since no one can see?


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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