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Et Tu, Brutaka?

ToM Dracone


I couldn't resist.


The purpose of this entry is to rave about Brutaka. I finally unpacked my assortment of Lego from Christmas yesterday (I haven't had any time this past week), took him out of his box, and he just radiates power.


It's the combination of being really tall (he ties with Roodaka as tallest, excluding Kardas since that's a combiner), bulky, covered in spiky golden armor, and weilding a huge sword. He has a really solid construction, both in build and posability, as the 2006-new pistons give him a lot of support. His body and feet are solidest in appearance, and, though I wish the insides of his thighs were filled in, they're still excellently bulky.


I like his extra arms... They make for an interesting appearance in an action pose, but make his body even bulkier when stored away (and some nice back armor). His normal arms are somewhat impeded in posability by his body armor and the extra arms, as well as the odd angle of the wrists. The tubing along his shoulders is a nice touch, though. And despite their highly simple construction, they still look good. As do his claws, despite their positioning.


For that matter, his whole set looks great. As I said, he's really sturdy, so he can go into all sorts of stances easily... And all that gold, too. It's pretty.


Now imagine him delivering a blow with the serrated side of his sword. Ow.


That is all.

~ ToM


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It's copper not gold, or as lego says, warm gold. :P


I agree, Brutaka is one of the best bionicle sets ever, awesome pieces, awesome sword, even better color scheme. ^_^

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It's copper not gold, or as lego says, warm gold. :P

Copper is what the Mask of Victory is. Brutaka is anything but that; light gold (in contrast to Takanuva's dark gold) is what I always call it... :P


But yeah, he easily earns a rank among the best Bionicle sets to date.

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It's copper not gold, or as lego says, warm gold. :P

Shiny copper :P

And Brutaka does own all the 2006 sets except Vezon and Kardas and Vezon and Fenrakk!



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It's copper not gold, or as lego says, warm gold. :P

Copper is what the Mask of Victory is. Brutaka is anything but that; light gold (in contrast to Takanuva's dark gold) is what I always call it... :P


But yeah, he easily earns a rank among the best Bionicle sets to date.

You say tomato, I say tomato, and the end of the day, they're the same thing. :P


But definately one of the best sets ever.



edit- I get copper from the copper krana kal, the row on the bottom, since the colors are pretty close.

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King Mathias' crown is copper, King Jayko's crown is gold. HTH. :rolleyes:


Brutaka was the best set of 2006, hands down. Not counting Vezon & Fenrakk, but I don't own that one.



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You say tomato, I say tomato, and the end of the day, they're the same thing. :P


edit- I get copper from the copper krana kal, the row on the bottom, since the colors are pretty close.

Except that they aren't the same thing. Titling Nuhvok-Kal's Krana as "copper" was a severe mislabling – copper is the color of the Mask of Victory, closer to red or pink than anything else. Brutaka's gold, Nuhvok-Kal's Krana, both are far closer to yellow and orange. Pick up a piece of copper – a penny, for example, is the color of copper – and compare it to Brutaka. They aren't the same at all.


Besides, the 2002 golden Kanohi are almost exactly the same shade as Nuhvok-Kal's Krana, and they aren't "copper," are they? :P The Mask of Victory is so far the only true copper piece in Bionicle.


Pardon the tirade, but in all propriety of definition Brutaka just is not copper. Copper is reddish-pink. Brutaka is not. End of story.

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'Tis true. Brutaka is gold. The MoV, and Tahu and Tahnok's canister lids were copper. We need more copper, it's a rather pleasant colour. That and gunmetal. And actually, while I'm on the subject of colours, I'm surprised that we haven't seen metallic green or blue this year, so far. I hope we do, those are nice too.


Oh, and Brutaka is my second favourite set of '06. His swords are just awesome.



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