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-Toa Lhikevikk-


Once, there was a lone Matoran who lived in the middle of a vast desert. His only source of water was a tiny creek which passed by his hut. Every day he prayed to Mata Nui to send him more water, but it never came. Day after day he struggled with his life, trying to conserve as much water as possible.


One day, he woke up to a terrible noise. The Great Cataclysm had struck. Earthquakes and thunderstorms ravaged the whole of the universe. As he looked to the horizon, all he could could do was gape in horror at the hundred-bio-high wall of water crashing his way.


"Oh Mata Nui," he prayed in the few seconds before he drowned. "Send me less water."


(I'm sure you get the message here. ;))


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But I like eating chocolate syrup with a--




You meant the [sHHHHHHHHH! Let's not call it out directly, kay? :) -Lhikevikk].


My bad.

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