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Lewa Krom


I have started some against giant sigs. People don't seem to care about the 100,000 byte limit. So, buyers giant-sigers beware!


EDIT: I was saying Crusades in a joking fashion. I probably should have put a :P or something somewhere. I wasn't trying to be offensive to anyone or disrespect anyone. Sorry anything of that sort that may have arisen. :(


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Would you call my signature "big"? I wouldn't.


Yours is how I wished everyone's was. Taking advantage but not abusing.



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There will be no crusades here. If you don't like the size of people's signatures, you're more than welcome to disable them. Otherwise, you'll have to scroll for two seconds longer per page. I hardly see that as a big deal.


Also, am I the only one that finds it ironic that you're complaining about this but have images in your blog that stretch the screen?


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