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Ack! *drowns*



Everyone knows I'm in

Over my head!


Hence the title. :P


But yeah, a lot of things are happening that make me say that. The most important of which is the departure of my long-time buddy, Sir TMN, the ex-author of my comics. I needed him to help me with stuff, and now I can't contact him. >_<


Then there's the problem that I can't continue any stories until I settle with DNComics 2, which I had planned to start... last week. And with no stories, my reputation as a great comedy writer is going downhill very quickly.


My homework is piling up, and I have limited time here anyway; most of my spare time tonight will be spent trying to fix a problem completely unrelated to BZP.


And then, I haven't PMed any of my friends for over a week.





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Now what song is that? The name's not coming to me, but those lyrics are so familiar... I got it! It's "Over My Head (Cable Car)" by The Fray! YES!



Um...fire hose? :lookaround:


Seriously, though:


TMN left? I had no idea! We're going to miss him.


About your comedies...maybe you should take care of everything else first. Although I'm going to miss not seeing your stories for awhile, it's better that you wait until you can give your writing all of your attention. Plus, don't think just because you aren't writing, your reputation is dropping. You have quite a few fans who know your writing ability haven't decreased in the least.


As for PMs, we all end up taking time off for awhile at least once. Don't feel bad at all. We know you'll get back to us when you have time.


I was just reading through your "My Sets" content block, and what with all the destructive demolishing going on, it's no wonder the 2007 sets have evaded you so far. I mean, think from their point of view for a moment! If someone received you in a stuffy little box and celebrated by yanking you apart piece-from-piece...




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