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Oral Hygiene Update (2010 Edition)



Some of you may remember this entry from like, four years ago.


For those that don't care to read it: I was supposed to have reconstructive jaw surgery back in 2004 to fix a Class 3 malocclusion (underbite) and teeth that are curving inwards towards the inside of my mouth (which is my mouth compensating for a bad bite). This would involve having all my wisdom teeth removed, as well as braces, and then surgery to cut both my jaws and realign them.


Fun, I know.


It's 2010, and I still haven't had said surgery because of insurance problems. A new development has come up in the last couple weeks, however.


Since about 2007, I've had a popping noise right under my right ear. It almost sounds like bubble wrap. This popping noise comes from my jaw joint. It hurts only occasionally and comes and goes, particularly when I eat meats or chewy things like gum.


Nowadays, this noise happens every day, almost. The last time I went to the dentist, he expressed concern at this fact, but didn't say much else. We also discovered that my bite is slowly moving farther to the side, putting more pressure on my jaw joints.


A couple weeks ago, my other jaw joint started popping as well. This one is always accompanied by pain and muscle weakness, though. It's not very fun. :|


So I go in on Monday for X-Rays to see what my jaw's up to now.


If it results in surgery, I have to drop out of school for a least a semester, if not longer.


Merp. :[




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Spirit get's credit for best comic relief.


If it's any help, I've got the jaw-popping thing as well, though it is much better these days and my dentist said it was stress-related (grinding at night or something...).


I hope they figure out something better then surgery for you...

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But oh no, that would be terrible...I mean, you don't want anything bad happening to your teeth/mouth, but that would stink to have to drop out for that long. Hopefully there will be a better solution.


Praying for you, but maybe something good will come out of this in the end. :<

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If it’s any consolation, I was supposed to have my wisdom teeth out last year but we had insurance issues… Like Spirit said, that bites. :(


I’ll keep praying for you though.


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I hope they figure out something better then surgery for you...


Praying for you, but maybe something good will come out of this in the end. :<



That's where I'm kind of torn at the moment - I've wanted to have this surgery done for a long time, but I've never had insurance backing me up (they consider it cosmetic only, even though I can only eat on one side of my mouth, etc.). Now that I might have a reason, I figure out that I'll have to drop out of school to recover. And I want to finish school.


It's kind of a hard decision. XD; Like, if my mouth is going to be in a degenerative state or something, then yeah surgery comes first, but right now I'm trying not to worry about it, since I won't know anything specific until Monday. More than likely I'll just be stuck with a mouth guard until it gets better/worse.



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I agree, that does bite. I mean, I've had braces and my wisdom teeth removed, and at one point they were saying my bite wasn't good either (I guess braces fixed that...) Luckily, I never had to go through surgery. But all my problems with my teeth have resulted in some of the more painful moments of my life. So I hope you're able to find a workable solution and get things fixed up. :)

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