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Lewa Krom

Lewa Krom


One of the things I stated I was going to do this summer was a stop-motion movie. Putting some planning into it, I've decided to change it into a stop-motion episode series titled Lewa Krom. It will be somewhat comedic but there will be an overall plotline. It will be in the same continuity with my other epics and writings, taking place after Belly of the Blaze and Krom (an upcoming epic) as well as a graphic novel McNuggets and I are working on. I'll film (or whatever you call stop-motion movie-making :P) the first season before I release any of it. I expect the first episode to be released August-September-ish - depending on how long it takes for it to be pieced together with voices, etc.


Speaking of voices, I'm going to need some voice actors for the series. The series will be starring Lewa and Krom (a leader of an organization similar to the Dark Hunters). Auditions have NOT started. I will post another blog entry with what you need to do to auditon sometime next week.


Hopefully I'll be able to figure out how to make an MOC of this artwork by then. :P


Just thought I'd put that out there to see what people think. :)


Recommended Comments

You should make a stop-motion journeys end movie instead.

Like the Stars Battle vids.

It could be like the extended battle videos.

That way we would get a journeys end movie before 2013.

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But this is supposed to be a "for fun" movie for me, just so I can enjoy myself and not worry about sticking to any canon. :P

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