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Busy, Busy, Busy...



I may not look like I post often, but I'm on the site often during the day, and I'm always working on something. The latest thing is pulling together this BZPower DVD-ROM, which is taking lots of time lately. I'm currently working on getting some "extra" stuff that is either hard to find or just not available anywhere else, to help entice my loyal readers to plunk down their cash. I'll definitely make it worth the money.


As it stands, right now we're looking at getting the master DVD-ROM completed by the end of January, then taking orders for it during the first half of February. Depending on how many orders we get (I'm hoping it's at least 50, but could easily see it going above 200), we'll get the production discs burned and shipped out in the second half of February. In order to get them produced in the volume we need, we'll need to get payment before we can fulfill the orders. And yes, there will be a discount for premier members, although not a huge one.


In other news, there's a new version of the forum software available that needs to get installed. The reason I don't jump right up and get that done immediately is twofold: first, it takes the site offline for at least half a day, so it's not something we do lightly. Second, and more importantly, major updates mean I have to go through the code and add our custom hacks back in... stuff like premier images, spinnies, spoiler tags, and so on. That takes time, and is prone to errors while I'm working. So it's a bit stressful. However, there are lots of new features in the update that make it worth updating.


Of course, BZPower isn't my only responsibility, so all this takes time. I'm in charge of LEGOFan.org, which unfortunately has been offline for the last week or so due to fatal disk errors. That's a whoooooole other blog entry in itself, but it doesn't really affect BZP.


And let us not forget BrickFest PDX '07, which I'm co-organizing. Lots of behind-the-scenes work on that, and some in-front-of-the-scenes stuff on the web site. As of yesterday, it's been announced that BrickFest PDX '07 will be the BrickFest for 2007, there won't be one on the east coast this year. So if you want to attend BF, you'll need to come to Portland this March. I've been trying my best to entice as many staff members to come as possible, and I know of at least one that's coming from Louisiana. If enough BZP staff and members show up, maybe we can schedule something on-site, like a BZP get-together.


In between all that, I still need to find time to actually build something one of these days. I picked up lots o' brick during the holidays, and I'm not done with that. My oldest son wants to have a large spaceship done to show at BF, so we're working on a Stargate "Prometheus" ship, about the size of an ISD. Well, when I say "working" I mean "planning on working" if you know what I mean.


That's good for now.




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...I've been trying my best to entice as many staff members to come as possible, and I know of at least one that's coming from Louisiana.
Gee, considering I'm the only staff member in Louisiana, you'd figure I might get singled out or something.


Hey Bink, what's this "Commemorative Set" or something for $12 at the bottom of the registration? I'm considering adding it to my registration before PayPalling my fees, but I'd like to know what it is.



-KIE, the cajun staffer

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Heh... The commemorative set is a model of the Portland skyline with a bridge and Mt. Hood in the background. We're finalizing the design, it should be made public shortly. Definitely worth the $12.

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The only brickfest in '07 will be in portland. Well... I guess that saves me some time and money during the summer. :lol:


And anothe fourm update, it sounds like a good idea. Anything to make this darned forum work better. :P


How about after you distribute the bzp-archive disk you proceed to upgrade the server, since a bunch of members would have all the bzp stuff they need right there on a disk. Well, except for new posts. :P

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Shame I wouldn't be able to make it to Brickfest Binky, what with me residing in Australia and all... Anyways that DVD-ROM situation for BZPower seems to be going swimmingly, so great work Binky!

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So... what about the new skins? :mellow: Sorry, don't mean to add more to your load. XD Although, could it be done through the upgrade?


Anyways, I'm looking forward to the DVD-ROM! I'll have to set some money aside for that. As for Brickfest, that BZP get-together sounds fun. Hope I can go this year.


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And you don't get paid for all this? :P


I'd love to go to PDX, but you know, school...and the fact that Portland is on the other side of the country...

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I got it Bink: just write a script to add all the BZPower hacks into the files and database tables. It could iterate through all the necessary places...insert a Premier Membership rank here, add a few custom rank images there...and best of all, if(when) you ever have to upgrade the forum software you can just run it and...bingo. Well, it never really works out that way but I'm sure you get the idea.

Say, if you ever want the CSS code for some skins, I'm sure there are half a dozen members who'd gladly write up theirs. :D

Well he does from all the Premeir Membership money. Imagine all that moola moola :P



I'm sure it goes to the costs for BZPower like forum upgrades...DNS costs...right?


~ :kakamanu: ~

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And you don't get paid for all this? :P

Well he does from all the Premeir Membership money. Imagine all that moola moola :P



Money from premier membership costs go to maintaining the forum, not Bink's pocket. ;)

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As of yesterday, it's been announced that BrickFest PDX '07 will be the BrickFest for 2007, there won't be one on the east coast this year.


Binky, April Fool's Day isn't until April 1st.

I'm serious. Why?

I even had some great MOCs I'm thinking of. This is a real dissapointment. Can you please elaborate on this. Or put a link? At least PM me, please, unless I can find something on BF.com right now....nope, nothing, so what is the reason for no BF07 in the east? (Especially since in the spring there's school)


Good luck on the CD and the MOCs.

And on the topic of Legofan.org, I actually decide to check it out this week and it's down. Irony.


So, what can I do to organize a BF07 in the east?

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As of yesterday, it's been announced that BrickFest PDX '07 will be the BrickFest for 2007, there won't be one on the east coast this year.


Binky, April Fool's Day isn't until April 1st.

I'm serious. Why?

I even had some great MOCs I'm thinking of. This is a real dissapointment. Can you please elaborate on this. Or put a link? At least PM me, please, unless I can find something on BF.com right now....nope, nothing, so what is the reason for no BF07 in the east? (Especially since in the spring there's school)





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I could only wish all the premier dough went to me... but BZP's got bills to pay, y'know.

How much is it? I mean I didn't know forums need to have payment to. I guess about everything in the internet needs payment...


Well maybe atleast some moola gets in your pocket right? :P



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I could only wish all the premier dough went to me... but BZP's got bills to pay, y'know.

How much is it? I mean I didn't know forums need to have payment to. I guess about everything in the internet needs payment...

It's significant, let's put it that way. BZP draws a huge audience and is very busy, and uses a lot of bandwidth. Bandwidth and the server all cost money, which needs to come from somewhere. That's why I'm working on the DVD-ROM as a fundraiser.


- Bink

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If Brickfest is only in Portland this year, then I may have to show up anyhow. :sly: Of course, I am busy that particular weekend...



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I could only wish all the premier dough went to me... but BZP's got bills to pay, y'know.

How much is it? I mean I didn't know forums need to have payment to. I guess about everything in the internet needs payment...

It's significant, let's put it that way. BZP draws a huge audience and is very busy, and uses a lot of bandwidth. Bandwidth and the server all cost money, which needs to come from somewhere. That's why I'm working on the DVD-ROM as a fundraiser.


- Bink

So what your saying is, if this fundraiser doesn't happen, BZP shall cease to exist? :o



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I could only wish all the premier dough went to me... but BZP's got bills to pay, y'know.

How much is it? I mean I didn't know forums need to have payment to. I guess about everything in the internet needs payment...

It's significant, let's put it that way. BZP draws a huge audience and is very busy, and uses a lot of bandwidth. Bandwidth and the server all cost money, which needs to come from somewhere. That's why I'm working on the DVD-ROM as a fundraiser.


- Bink

So what your saying is, if this fundraiser doesn't happen, BZP shall cease to exist? :o




No, not at all. It's just one of the many things we're trying to do to keep the place humming along.



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As of yesterday, it's been announced that BrickFest PDX '07 will be the BrickFest for 2007, there won't be one on the east coast this year.


Binky, April Fool's Day isn't until April 1st.

I'm serious. Why?

I even had some great MOCs I'm thinking of. This is a real dissapointment. Can you please elaborate on this. Or put a link? At least PM me, please, unless I can find something on BF.com right now....nope, nothing, so what is the reason for no BF07 in the east? (Especially since in the spring there's school)




thanks. That clears things up.


But...if, say, Omi and I decide to organize one, does that mean there can be an east coast BF?

(And I know it is a lot of work. That's theoretical, but does it just take someone starting to organize it?)



Oh, on the topic of where that money goes...it funds for the board. Anything else is stored for the next payment. Just though people would like to know that. (and I guess some goes to ads like in BrickJournal)



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But...if, say, Omi and I decide to organize one, does that mean there can be an east coast BF?

(And I know it is a lot of work. That's theoretical, but does it just take someone starting to organize it?)

Too much organizing beyond my league. :P


That, and money.


I would base it in Boston, since its the closest place I can get a location booked. :P


Second would be Hartford, CT. Right next to Enfield. ;)



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Actually, I'm kinda answering my own question here.

I found out the reason for not having a BF in August was whoever has the copyrights decision. Someone could start another Lego convention if they wanted to, just with a different name. (Actually, someone in DC's LUG said they think they wanted to do one!)


And Omi, that was theoretical. Neither of us really has the right stuff (yet) to do that kind of thing. (Although it would be fun to rent out the hotel and tell everyone coming to organize it themsleves)

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