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Post-bionicle Blues And Thoughts On Hero (fail) Factory

Solaris Magnus


Well. Bionicle's Set ending really hit me hard. I know the story goes on, but it's just not the same. How are you feeling about it


And what are your thoughts on Hero (Fail) Factory


I think you know how I feel >.>


-Iron Star-


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Hero Factory is definitely going to be awesome. fresh new story and not to mention all the delicious new molds and recolours in the sets!


I can hardly wait for it to come out~

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Hero Factory is definitely going to be awesome. fresh new story and not to mention all the delicious new molds and recolours in the sets!


I can hardly wait for it to come out~



^sums up waht im thinkin

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Hero Factory is definitely going to be awesome. fresh new story and not to mention all the delicious new molds and recolours in the sets!


I can hardly wait for it to come out~


aho speaks truth once again



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Personally, I dislike the story immensely. Not due to the fact that its replacing Bionicle. It is just extremely childish. And these names...Can anyone say GENERIC ?


-Iron Star-

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Personally, I dislike the story immensely. Not due to the fact that its replacing Bionicle. It is just extremely childish. And these names...Can anyone say GENERIC ?


-Iron Star-

Wow, are me and Iron Star the only one's who don't really don't think it's gonna do well?


I don't think there will even be much of a story, except for the heroes fighting the villains and the heroes taking up missions when people call.


I don't really care if the names may sound generic.


The sets are alright, but I might buy a few just for new pieces and recolors. Other than that, I think I'll buy Jimi Stringer just because I bet he's named after Jimi Hendrix and he's got black hands.


Then again, I heard that Greg said if these don't sell well, then it means there is no market for buildable action figures and it won't bring back Bionicle. I don't get that at all, it could be that people like the Bionicle buildable figures and not the Hero Factory ones. And why would Lego replace a line just to see what people like if it could cause them to lose money?

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Hero Factory = Better than Bionicle



Almost Forgot





And Yes T. I think that everyone loves it.


I don't really see why. New molds ?? We could have had the same molds with New Bionicle sets (Bota Magna) They could have have juiced that pretty far. Half Plant like Agori. Feral Glatorian. Plant based Vehicles.....SO MUCH STUFF. Wasted. And then in 2011 we could have had this battle from this year , the stars, only better, larger and more innovative (And More of them) And a Mata Nui Robot.


So I seriously do not see how cancelling a Line that still had a large amount of set potential and risking it all with a new , More childish line that may not have any success, whereas Bionicle was Lego Number 3 top selling, and one of the most popular lines.


-Iron Star-



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I thought BIONICLE failed by 2009, so I didn't really care that it was ending, Hero Factory looks awesome.


I'm not going to judge the story until there is a story to judge, until then any speculation will seem unfair to me as there is nothing to base it on other then a concept idea.


The sets do indeed look delicious, I love just about every single one of them, I'm looking at them from an artistic standpoint, not pose-ability and pieces, and they all look fresh and new.


Asymmetrical FTW


Also, it's not like BIONICLE wasn't childish either, just think about it, six robots fall from the sky and land on an island to fight a big shadow guy that possesses animals into attacking little midgets.

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I thought BIONICLE failed by 2009, so I didn't really care that it was ending, Hero Factory looks awesome.


I'm not going to judge the story until there is a story to judge, until then any speculation will seem unfair to me as there is nothing to base it on other then a concept idea.


The sets do indeed look delicious, I love just about every single one of them, I'm looking at them from an artistic standpoint, not pose-ability and pieces, and they all look fresh and new.


Asymmetrical FTW


Also, it's not like BIONICLE wasn't childish either, just think about it, six robots fall from the sky and land on an island to fight a big shadow guy that possesses animals into attacking little midgets.



Point taken


The sets themselves are not bad at all, I just think the pieces easily could have been used in one or 2 more years of Bionicle, but judging from the website......and the few bits we've got of story, it doesn't seem very interesting at all.


I guess you could easily argue that Bionicle was childish. It all depends on how you look at it I guess. The first year was childish. But then again, I was a child, as were most people. Its not like it stayed childish. In my opinion it got darker as it progressed.


-Iron Star-

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And these names...Can anyone say GENERIC ?

do the names Torch, Ski, Turbo, Scuba, Jet, Granite, Amazon, Electro, Spark, Flare, Blaster, Millenia, Lava, Frost, Swamp, Power, Dust, Onyx, or The Boss mean anything to you?


I guess you could easily argue that Bionicle was childish. It all depends on how you look at it I guess. The first year was childish. But then again, I was a child, as were most people. Its not like it stayed childish. In my opinion it got darker as it progressed.

exactly. you were a child then, HF is being marketed to children now.



I have said it before and I will say it again, HF is to 2010 as Bio was to 2000.


not gonna bother arguing anything else, so allow me to direct you to this entry.

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I saw your entry and everything, but still, I doubt Hero Factory is gonna be about putting together some planet that shattered into 3 pieces. I look at Bionicle now, and it would still appeal to me today if it started.

6 heroes are washed up on a island. They protect the people there and learn that the creatures are being controlled by a mysterious villain. They get masks to gain more power. And the rest we already know. Seems good to me, even as a 17 year old.


Now here's what I think about Hero Factory: Robotic heroes are made to take care of villains, other threats, and just about any problem a person calls them for, such as coaching a team which was listed on the Hero Factory website. They take on any errand that a person calls them about. What if a smart villain called them and faked a call like, "Help, space aliens are attacking me! Send some heroes!" The villains could easily lead heroes into a trap, like ganging up on when only a few heroes were sent. Sure, the Factory would realize that the heroes are missing after some time and send some more in case the other heroes were injured or something. Can't say anything else until I've seen some more of the story.


All the sets are alright. But fusing a weapon to the hands on some of the heroes seems kinda dumb to me. Talk about piece specialization..

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Well, I guess you could look at Bionicle like that. Its more or less a Nostalgia thing. Ive liked Bionicle since day 1, so I'm not gonna be happy that the line has been cancelled. Like everyone has said, the sets are epic (Piece wise). The problem is its not Bionicle. They could have milked Bionicle a bit more, and used all the molds from Hero factory this year and next year. But hey, some people like it, some people don't simple as that


-Iron Star-

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I doubt Hero Factory is gonna be about putting together some planet that shattered into 3 pieces.

You're right, it'll probably just be about six guys sent out in pods to help a populace that's threatened by a powerful villain with corruptive powers.




6 heroes are washed up on a island. They protect the people there and learn that the creatures are being controlled by a mysterious villain. They get masks to gain more power.

Six robots wash up on an island and start beating up animals.


What if a smart villain called them and faked a call like, "Help, space aliens are attacking me! Send some heroes!" The villains could easily lead heroes into a trap, like ganging up on when only a few heroes were sent.

You're making this sound more and more like BIONICLE by the second.


The problem is its not Bionicle. They could have milked Bionicle a bit more, and used all the molds from Hero factory this year and next year.

What I'm getting out of this argument is that you don't like Hero Factory for the simple reason that it's not called "BIONICLE".


You yourself said they should've "milked" BIONICLE; you realize that word is associated with a company pushing something way past its boundaries to try to make the most money off of it, right? Meaning BIONICLE would get progressively worse and eventually die a weak and undignified death with little to no hope of ever returning.


Not a way I'd want to see my hobby of nine/ten years go.

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Hey, I'm not saying that I'm not gonna like it because it's not Bionicle. I just don't like it when people say Hero Factory's story is the same thing as Bionicle's. Of course there's gonna be villains that are gonna have destructive powers or abilities, that's a no-brainer for every story about heroes.


And how am I making it sound like Bionicle if I say some smart villain would fake a call to Hero Factory in order to ambush heroes?

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And how am I making it sound like Bionicle if I say some smart villain would fake a call to Hero Factory in order to ambush heroes?

"Oh help me, a bad guy put me in a coma!"

"Not to worry, we'll spend seven years trying to beat him and then wake you up!"

"LOL j/k I took over his body. Thanks for all the help."

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What I'm getting out of this argument is that you don't like Hero Factory for the simple reason that it's not called "BIONICLE".


What I've gotten out of everyone else's arguments is that they like Hero Factory for the simple reason that it's not called BIONICLE. Because, as we all know, it is a proven fact that "Bionicle SUCKS now and it will keep getting worse, anything would be better than this rubbish blarrrgggghhh."


Personally, I thought Bionicle kept getting better and better, at least when it came to the storyline. But 2009 had amazing sets as well, and we probably would have gotten even more amazing sets if it they had continued with their original plan. We would have gotten the ELEMENT LORDS, for Mata Nui's sake - and instead we got six Avtoran remakes of sets we already had. Lame.


Oh, and I don't like Hero Factory either, but not just because it's not Bionicle. I don't like it because, IMO, it's basically just Bionicle with a new coat of paint. There's no real innovation in the sets to speak of, whether in mask and weapon design or build. Heck, Von Nebula looks to be the wost large Titan figure we've gotten in years, and the heroes are just glorified Avtoran. Seriously, if TLC really wanted to make a line that would adequately replace Bionicle, they should have worked on making the set designs more unique. Because what we have here IS Bionicle, just with a different title and a few (mostly useless) new molds.


Just my thoughts. :P



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What I'm getting out of this argument is that you don't like Hero Factory for the simple reason that it's not called "BIONICLE".


What I've gotten out of everyone else's arguments is that they like Hero Factory for the simple reason that it's not called BIONICLE. Because, as we all know, it is a proven fact that "Bionicle SUCKS now and it will keep getting worse, anything would be better than this rubbish blarrrgggghhh."

Well some people might. I dunno why.


I like it because it's a fresh start that isn't tied down by the established BIONICLE canon. So I guess that is part of the reason; if it was "BIONICLE", it would either be 1) a story that's bound to predetermined BIONICLE norms, or 2) a completely different story without any ties to the past story at all, which would seem weird because it would be the same line with a completely new (completely new, not "2009 reboot" new) story/universe.

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And how am I making it sound like Bionicle if I say some smart villain would fake a call to Hero Factory in order to ambush heroes?

"Oh help me, a bad guy put me in a coma!"

"Not to worry, we'll spend seven years trying to beat him and then wake you up!"

"LOL j/k I took over his body. Thanks for all the help."

Yea, I doubt that's gonna happen in Hero Factory. To clear something up, I was just pointing out a problem with the call a hero thing Hero Factory has, not comparing it to Bionicle in anyway.

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I DO like Hero Factory, The sets are great. I don't like the story, thats really my only complaint.


My argument is not "I hate hero factory" or "Its not Bionicle so it sucks"


My argument is why did they REPLACE Bionicle. Why not make hero factory, and keep bionicle. I don't think Bionicle sucked at all especially not last year. It cant hurt lego to keep both. More money


-Iron Star-

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I DO like Hero Factory, The sets are great. I don't like the story, thats really my only complaint.


My argument is not "I hate hero factory" or "Its not Bionicle so it sucks"


My argument is why did they REPLACE Bionicle. Why not make hero factory, and keep bionicle. I don't think Bionicle sucked at all especially not last year. It cant hurt lego to keep both. More money


-Iron Star-

This is what I was trying to say too. The sets are alright with me, besides the fact that some of the heroes have weapons fused to their hands.


Although, I bet they didn't keep both lines because it takes money to make new sets and both lines would probably have a lot of new sets each year. That means that Lego might lose money from making so many pieces, but then again, like you said, if they sold enough they could make more money.


It would have been nice if Lego somehow split the new Bionicle and Hero Factory sets in half, like let's say they make 3 Hero Factory heroes, and 3 Bionicle heroes which would count as 6 heroes altogether. If they could split up the villains and the titans/vehicles like that too, it would have been a cool way to keep both lines.


By the way, Zarkan is right, Elemental Lords would have been EPIC!

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And how am I making it sound like Bionicle if I say some smart villain would fake a call to Hero Factory in order to ambush heroes?

"Oh help me, a bad guy put me in a coma!"

"Not to worry, we'll spend seven years trying to beat him and then wake you up!"

"LOL j/k I took over his body. Thanks for all the help."

Yea, I doubt that's gonna happen in Hero Factory. To clear something up, I was just pointing out a problem with the call a hero thing Hero Factory has, not comparing it to Bionicle in anyway.

Intentionally or not, you connected them. You said that villains might use the call center to manipulate the heroes. I pointed out how Makuta used Mata Nui to manipulated the Toa.


My argument is why did they REPLACE Bionicle. Why not make hero factory, and keep bionicle. I don't think Bionicle sucked at all especially not last year. It cant hurt lego to keep both. More money

If LEGO had started Hero Factory as a full theme and kept BIONICLE as a full theme, then there would be two near-identical themes running at the same time. Meaning about twice the cost to produce them. Now, if there are more available sets out there, are kids automatically going to start buy twice the number they normally do? No, that would be a lot of money going towards toys. Therefore lost profits for LEGO. Plus they'd have to keep the BIONICLE story going, and either make it change or get progressively more contrived (there are only so many times your arch nemesis can come back without it seeming desperate).


If LEGO had cut BIONICLE down to half of what it was and started Hero Factory as half of what it is (and I'm confident you'd be complaining almost as much as you are now), then you'd have two similar half-themes running alongside each other, both with a separate story and premise. LEGO would have to divide its resources, since it wouldn't be cost-effective to have a full team designing and writing for only half a theme. Meaning we'd probably be getting sets that aren't as good and a story that's worse. And really, do you think LEGO, the company with a reputation for quality nearly untarnished, would do that?

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