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So I Watched Microsoft At E3



Microsoft, I am disappoint.


Reach space battles are epic win though.




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Slim has the right idea, but man it's pretty ugly. That built in Wifi and 250 GB HDD are really tempting though.


And I didn't really think there was much OTHER than the Kinect stuff, but so yeah. hehe


Reach is starting to sound a lot like Battlefront, which is very good.

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Eww slim Xbox.


As if they didn't have enough overheating to worry about without built in wifi :o.



And Kinect is a terrible name -_-. Should have kept Natal. Way awesomer.


Also Slim Xbox is what Xbox should have been from the start.


And hey Mesonak I know you =D



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There was Gears, Fable, Reach, Crytek becoming MS first party, MGS: Rising, ESPN exclusive to 360, Black Ops, Zune music on 360 (about freakin time), a slightly refreshed UI. A lot of really cool stuff now.

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@Argentum: I know you too =o


@Than: Oh don't get me wrong, there was tons of cool things, and I thought the conference was a success. I was referring to Kinect. I know I'm not the target audience, but I was expecting more from Kinect other than the generic dancing/fitness/sports games.


ESPN does give it some major points with me though.



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And Kinect is a terrible name -_-. Should have kept Natal. Way awesomer.

That's what everyone said when the Revolution was revealed to be the Wii. Now the Wii has garnered enough of a reputation that nobody thinks the name is funny or weird anymore.

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@Than: Oh don't get me wrong, there was tons of cool things, and I thought the conference was a success. I was referring to Kinect. I know I'm not the target audience, but I was expecting more from Kinect other than the generic dancing/fitness/sports games.

^^^^^agree button. If all we get to do with Kinect is dance in front of our TVs or jump when our Mii type characters go down a water fall in an inner tube, it doesn't seem all that exciting to me.



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I think Nintendo will do a big announcement for Pikmin on their own.



Like a two minute "Oh yeah I nearly forgot here's a pikmin screenshot kthnxbai".




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