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Five-year Anniversary



Well, yesterday I celebrated (in my own strange fashion) my five-year anniversary as a member of this great site. It's a strange feeling, having been around longer than 99.5% of the members here, including GregF, an admin or two, and most of the FLs and FAs.


Now, my personal BZP History didn't begin with my joining. I was aware of KanohiPower back in June '01, and relied on it heavily for news, finding it to be a much better source than Bionicle.com. I remember seeing a link in the corner leading to something called "BionicleZone", but I never paid it much attention. When I finally clicked on it, all I saw was a (to me) incomprehensible jumble of numbers and letters. Strange as it may seem, my 10-year-old self had no idea what message boards were. A while later, I returned to BionicleZone, figured out how to join, and promptly posted my very first illegal-topic-reviving-spammish-post. Of course, I quickly shaped up (it was either that or bannage), and set about being a proper, rule-abiding noob.


During the Bionicle Clubs incident, I started a Pohatu-themed club that was responsible for my eventual conversion to Po-brown-stone-itarianism. I also started a topic which I remain convinced to this day was the inspiration for the New Member Q & A forum. Then, in a period of time from late 2002 to early 2004, I tried my hand at writing, spawning comedies and writing a couple epics starring my Bionicle alter-ego. During this time I discovered .Space and Lego MOCing in general, which has kept me occupied from 2003 to the present. Also, in late 2004, my BZP-enthusiasm level plummeted, turning me into the individual you see today, delurking only to blog and post MOCs. I'm still not entirely sure why this happened. Maybe it was hormones, my dislike of the 2005 storyline, that "maturity" thing, my discovery of the online Lego community at large, or some combination of those factors. Anyway, for better or worse, here I remain.


Here's to five more years.






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Well, thankee both. Regarding that topic, I don't know for sure, but even if it was the catalyst, it's not like I can get more proto or something, so I let it go.



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