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Plans For N R Sequel -- 8/31 Update




Small bit of news for now in regards to the factions in the RP. Up until now I've been thinking how best to do the factions for the RP, but couldn't quite figure out how to go about them (at least, in terms of which would be the primary "protagonist" group and the primary "antagonistic" group, so to speak.) Well, I've just decided -- see the following notes for details.


The Day Run will be the primary "protagonist" group, though it will be more of a sub faction than an actual faction -- as in, people will use one of the three factions below as their primary faction, and if they so choose, they will also be able to participate in the Day Run.

-LEADER: Kerid; Ehjoras.

-NPCs: Zanth, Suya, Elithes, Illuxio.


The Ring is the primary antagonist group, as their conflict with the Day Run and the KNPD is central to the plot of the RPG.

-LEADER: Lyxek.

-NPCs: Vailian.


Kai-Nam Police Department has an unknown affiliation -- publicly they are seen as good guys, though many Kai-Namians are suspicious of them and their intentions because of unruly acts committed by Lurinost and her group. Is 'sided' with the Day Run in the conflict against the Ring.

-LEADER: Unknown entity.

-NPCs: Lurinost, Sanshou, Sensha.


The Civilians are the civilians of Kai-Nam, as the name suggests. They are essentially the 'neutral' group in the RPG, and those players who are not affiliated with the KNPD or the Ring will automatically be considered a member of this group in addition to the Day Run, if they specify that they would like to participate in it.


-NPCs: Elithes, Illuxio, Zanth, Suya.



A fifth group will be introduced at some point in the RPG and one of these four will also receive a rather big expansion later on, but those are secrets I'm keeping to myself for now, ;)


* * * * *


UPDATE: As I have thought about and changed several things I have decided to update and bump this entry.



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Yeah; as I said last entry, I won't be entering RPG Contest 18 due to a lack of time to finish my entry. In the meantime, I will be entering the next contest, and there are several things you can expect from it. As compensation for that sad news, here's what I will share with you:


Returning from Night Ride

-Several characters -- Illuxio, Elithes (both possible; haven't decided,) Kerid and Ehjoras.

-Mechas and vehicles in general.

-A tournament, though not as big as the Night Run was. Most aspects of the Night Run are included in this, such as teams, arena matches and races.

-Team Crests.


New additions

-New characters -- Lyxek, Lurinost and Zanth, to name a few.

-An all new location: Kai-Nam.

-The Day Run -- the new tournament that was mentioned before, managed by Kerid and Ehjoras.

-The Ring, a gang on Kai-Nam led by Lyxek.

-An as-yet unnamed law enforcement group led by Lurinost.

-New teams in the Day Run -- mostly player based, though Zanth is the leader of one such team.

-A new, easier-to-keep-track-of points system for the Day Run.


Not returning from Night Ride

-A lot of my characters from Night Ride -- Kovian, Jaeda/Daeja, Tox, Sepcret, Dagaeris, Existence, Gallum, Ilun, Therapon, the Makuta who helped defeat the Feranaki.


-The Night Run.

-Separate race track and arena -- all Day Run events will be held in the Day Run arena.

-The Day/Night system, as it will not be needed for the events in this RPG.


That's all I can think of for now, though I'm bound to be missing something. If you've got a question about if something will be returning or not, then ask me via comment -- I'll see if I can answer it. Keep in mind that certain things I won't be able to give a definitive answer to, as I either do not want to spoil it or I am not sure yet. ^_^


Updated List:

Returning from Night Ride

-Several characters -- Illuxio, Elithes, Kerid and Ehjoras.

-Mechas and vehicles in general.

-A tournament, though not as big as the Night Run was. Most aspects of the Night Run are included in this, such as teams, arena matches and races.

-Team Crests.

-Races and arena matches are once again separated. However, the system under which they operate has been changed:

--Races will take place on a much longer race track spanning around the wastelands of Kai-Nam (basically the outer rim of the island.) However, the races will not be as big as before -- they will now only be between 2-3 teams at a time, so as to decrease confusion (a major problem last time, due to the large number of posts occurring at once.)

--Arena matches will take place in the arena. These include a lot of variations -- Team FFA (2+ teams,) Siege (4+ teams divided onto two larger teams,) Team vs. Team (2 teams,) and several more. The arena will also be used a LOT more than in the original RPG.


New additions

-New characters -- Lyxek, Lurinost, Zanth, Suya, Sensha, Vailian, Sanshou among others.

-An all new location: Kai-Nam, plus three smaller islets off of the coast of it.

--The main city of Kai-Nam (not yet named.)

-The Day Run -- the new tournament that was mentioned before, managed by Kerid and Ehjoras.

-The Ring, a gang on Kai-Nam led by Lyxek.

-An as-yet unnamed law enforcement group of which Sanshou and Lurinost are members.

-New teams in the Day Run -- mostly player based, though Zanth, Suya and Sensha are members of such teams.

-A new, easier-to-keep-track-of points system for the Day Run.


Not returning from Night Ride

-Most of my characters from Night Ride -- Kovian*, Jaeda/Daeja, Tox, Sepcret*, Dagaeris, Existence, Gallum, Ilun, Therapon, the Makuta who helped defeat the Feranaki.


-The Night Run.

-The Day/Night system, as it will not be needed for the events in this RPG.


*Due to recent developments these two may appear at some point, though I have not decided.


* * * * *


As shown in this entry, I've had the introduction to the RPG written up for a while. I have since updated it. For length, I have spoiler'd it. ^_^


Updated Introduction:

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Darkness lay all around, everywhere that it could touch. On the ceiling, on the floor, clinging to the walls and the stones littered about the cavern. They engulfed all, sticking to the various surfaces like parasites unwilling to part from their host. The air was still and cold, stagnant winds that had been trapped long ago. All was dark, and were it not for the sounds of something sliding, slithering about the room, it would be silent. The creature coiled, coming to rest around a patch of stone. All was still.

...Whispers spoken in a language long forgotten emanated from nothingness. The sounds reverberated off of the walls, uncaught, unheard by living ears. Something fell from the nearest wall, landing softly on the ground. It shuffled slowly towards the vine; all around the cavern, more creatures were falling, landing without a sound, moving as one towards the center of the room. They whispered, though they did not speak to one another; one word escaped their tainted lips. They breathed it out, chanting softly at first, though gradually growing in intensity.


...An orb of darkness appeared in the center of the coiled creature. Laces of shadow broke off now and then as it started to spin; as it continued to grow in size, the orb became more stable, until nothing broke away from it.


...The orb swirled, stretching upward. It solidified moments later, transforming into a flower not yet bloomed…

...“Rhashahk! Rhashahk!”

...As the creatures edged nearer, the flower blossomed. Its petals were a bright red, shining through the darkness despite the lack of light. A much smaller ring of red hovered above it. The plant gave a shudder, two leaves growing from its stem.


...The leaves turned, revealing their bottoms to be that same, eerie red color. They seemed to glow; a hiss sounded from the flower, and the creatures were silenced. The leaves, now very much like a pair of eyes, blinked, weariness evident in them. They closed, and the cavern was thrown back into darkness...




...“All right; I’ll make one last offer, Kerid: Forty thousand, plus information on how to get into the Kai-Nam labs,” the Toa of Sonics offered, standing up so quickly that his chair toppled over. The Steltian he addressed paid no heed, instead simply continuing to watch the events below. “Come on – that’s more than enough to compensate you for what it took to build this dump, and you could do so much more with it, too!”

...“They’re quite skilled, aren’t they?” Kerid asked, as far below Zanth’s mecha dodged an energy blast from a member of the opposing team, only to retaliate with a shot of electricity to their front wheel. It was obvious that she was ignoring him. “I’ve always admired the effort they put into making a performance entertaining; yet even with a job like yours and mine, you never get used to watching it…”

...“You’re stalling; knock it off before I really get mad,” the Toa said spitefully. “I’ve offered you so much more than this place is worth – why won’t you take it?”


Kerid shifted in her seat, barely turning her armored head to look at the Toa. Despite her glare, he did not back off, though uncertainty was evident in his face. The Day Run organizer considered the Toa for a moment. Ever since the relocation and rechristening of the Day Run (formerly the Night Run while it had been under the control of Makuta Jaeda) on Kai-Nam, this particular crime lord had attempted to get Kerid to sell it to him – for what purpose she could not guess, though she assumed that it had to do with her interference of his trading operations as well as the fact that they had essentially stolen ground from his gang. While she could see why he was angry, she was not going to back down – if anything, she loved it here, considering that the Day Run had done nothing but help the local authorities apprehend dozens of criminals since its formation.

...“If you had been on Gynel a year ago, Lyxek, and witnessed the horrors of that place, then you would understand,” she said simply, turning her attention back to the battle below. “Unfortunately you weren’t. A shame if ever there was one – you would have been a perfect host for the Feranaki – they loved greed…”

Lyxek fumed at this. “This is your last chance, Kerid.”

...“And you have my answer. Now get out of my sight before I decide to include you in this match.”

The Toa growled, swiping his cape and hat out of his seat. He covered his face with the rim of the latter as he clipped the former onto himself. “You’re going to regret that decision soon enough...” With a menacing flash of his eyes, he left, his cape swirling behind him as a cloud of foreboding passed unheeded over the Day Run organizer.


Related Entries:


-Spur of the Moment Writing

-Night Ride Sequel -- What I've Got So Far <-- Joke entry. :P

-Night Ride Sequel - The Antagonist


Recommended Comments

If Illuxio and Elithes don't show up, then maybe Swerv and Draxion might not show up. Huh. Any reason they wouldn't show up?


And no Kovian? Why ever not? I thought he loved Tournaments. And Dark Deeds you said takes place afterwards.

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Illuxio and Elithes: This is more of a "I'm not sure if I want to play as them at the moment" thing, tbh. Other than that there is no reason as to why they wouldn't, which is why they most likely will show up.


Kovian: Long explanation time. :D


Alrighty; yeah, Kovian likes tournaments as much as he could like anything. Yes, DD takes place after NR; but when I say the latter, it means like, right after -- as in, a month or two. This takes place a year afterward. In that time, he has already joined the Dark Hunters and a lot of other things have happened, all of which add up to one heckofa busy schedule for him. So, essentially, he has no time for the tournament.


To add on to that, the only reason it took so long for Kovian to join the Dark Hunters -- and by extension, why he joined the Tournament of Shadows and the Night Run in the first place -- is because he was hunting Jaeda. During the events of ToS, Kovian had obtained the location of Odina from Arcane; however, he wasn't going to officially join the Dark Hunters until she had been eliminated. Finding her at the Night Run was a fluke, as he had intended to simply take a break from his search, and it just so happened that she was there. With her gone now, there is no particular reason for him to join the new tournament.


And going back to the Illuxio and Elithes reasoning -- Kovian has been a part of two tournaments already, neither of which have turned out so well for him. He's also the character I use in most BIONICLE role-plays that I join; as such, I think it's time he got a break. :)


So yeah. ^_^

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How could you say that?! They're awesome! And I should know, since right now I'm using them. :P So they'll most likely be in there, ah kay.


And when we spoke earlier, I thought you meant Kovian joined the Dark Hunters right after Day Run. My fault in not understanding that. Luckily for me, my main character of Swerv keeps getting changed as I go along. And I didn't even try to make it happen. :o

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Elithes wasn't exactly the most in-depth character that I used for NR. :P


*Thought I clarified that already* :P Ah well, it's not problem. Day Run, Night Run, same thing in the long run, right? XP

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Two things added to the lsit:

Returning: Team Crests.


New Additions: A new point system for the Day Run.


Yeah. ^_^


And does no one have any questions about anything? Nothing you want to know the status of, as in whether or not it's coming back?

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O_o Either you're talking about Tox, who wasn't the desk guy, or you're talking about Chabri, who didn't have tentacles. :|

Regardless, Tox isn't appearing, Chabri might.

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I'm joining. :P Pantheon needs a break from HIS busy schedule at the DH.


I might also reintroduce a character I haven't used in a while, and only used once. Enaya's been my primary Toa a long time, he also needs a break.


Neya Out. :smiletol:

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-EW: Of course. :rolleyes:


-Elithes/Illuxio: Looks like they've finally been... computed. B)



-Neya: Sounds coo'. >:)

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Not sure and undecided. Elithes and Illuxio will probably pair up with the KNPD from time to time considering Kai-Nam's his home, but for now that's probably about it. As for Illuxio's body -- no idea.
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Not sure and undecided. Elithes and Illuxio will probably pair up with the KNPD from time to time considering Kai-Nam's his home, but for now that's probably about it. As for Illuxio's body -- no idea.


Erm, can you explain about Illuxio? I haven't really had much contact with your non-ROTR storylines except through the Tournament of Shadows.


Neya Out. :smiletol:

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Not sure and undecided. Elithes and Illuxio will probably pair up with the KNPD from time to time considering Kai-Nam's his home, but for now that's probably about it. As for Illuxio's body -- no idea.


Erm, can you explain about Illuxio? I haven't really had much contact with your non-ROTR storylines except through the Tournament of Shadows.


Neya Out. :smiletol:

Actually, it hasn't been mentioned outside of PM yet. My Agony character (Now named Swerv) is a robot and friends with Elithes and Illuxio. Parugi and I talked about making a short story about them making Illuxio a body to inhabit. Illuxio's an AI, by the way.


Anyway, nothing official yet.

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To expand on the above -- you remember Kovian, right? My character from Tournament of Shadows? After the first race in Night Ride, one of his opponents gave him an AI system (from another dimension, mind you) for his vehicle that, when activated, turned out to be sentient and revealed his name to be Illuxio. He helped Kovian, Elithes and a bunch of other characters a lot by amping up Kovian and his vehicle's abilities and hacking into the Night Run's mainframe to get a message out to the Brotherhood of Makuta as well as getting access to a bunch of Makuta Jaeda's files on her experiments.

So, yeah, he was pretty important. :P

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Working on it; sorry for the wait. X3


Oh and I just realized -- given the events in the next chapter of R&R, Elithes/Illuxio appearing is pretty much inevitable. :P

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