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Time Is Money



EW is still hurtin' for money to go to BrickFair. :cry: And time is drawing short. In two weeks, I'll be away from home until BrickFair time rolls in (with the sole exception of a weekend) so that complicates things further.


Basically, if you have money you can send and you either have not done so already or you did not know about this before, SEND IT IN. XD It would be really, really, realllyyy loved by those who wanna see me there, and not to mention I. At this point, I'll take anything and everything from a Washington to a Franklin (or a Hamilton, if you have any!). PM me and we can work out the address things.


I've been trying to raise money on my own end, but things got hard for me to do so when finals rolled in and all sorts of other schedule monkey wrenches screwed me over, and I barely raised a hundred bucks, and my schedule as planned for the next weeks doesn't seem too promising, so unfortunately, I turn back to you guys, even though I really didn't want to look like some beggar who depends on other's graces and hogs everything-- I promise, this ain't me! I'm really a good guy. :)


So, that said, any and all donations and/or loans would be veryyyy much loved and appreciated, and I hope to make it up to y'all.




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AGH STUPID LIFE, it keeps me from sending it! *slaps it*


Writing out the check and everything now. I'm gunna send it today or tomorrow, or else someone can Gibbs slap me.

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I was gonna send you like 20 bucks, but I don't know if I can now. I was going to go to brickfair, and I don't have the money for it anymore.



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I won't be getting my first paycheck for another month, so don't expect any more from me. :(


Good luck raising funds to get to BFair. You could always try and sell your body. (I hear kidneys go for a high price)



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Man, I’d send you something but I only have… last I checked $3 in my checking. If something short of a miracle happens and I land a job, I’ll be more than glad to send something your way.

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