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Bc3 Strategy: Rank 1 Enemies



Exactly as the entry title says: a summary of the Rank 1 enemies, as requested:


BC3 Strategy: Rank 1


1. Tahnok and Gahlok - Rematch: This is exactly the same as the Rank 0 battle, with the same rewards. See the Rank 0 entry for details. This is mainly for bragging rights, to show off that you defeated them twice. Every rank from now on will also feature a rematch with the previous challenge.


2. Nektann Guard:


Nektann Guard:

Automaton Guard


HP: 20

Offense: 5

Defense: 3

Speed: 4


Weapon: Energy Blaster (5 Damage)

Armor: Nektann Casing (Block 4)


Stun Blast (Attack, with 20% chance of stun; Cooldown 3)

Recoil Shot (1.5x Damage, with 15% chance of stun; Cooldown 5)


Fire (Standard Attack)

Laser (Fires a powerful charged laser for 2x Damage; Charge 2)


A very straightforward enemy. This fight is mainly for practice/training; just watch the stun chances.


3. Suukorak:





HP: 30

Offense: 6

Defense: 4

Speed: 6


Weapon: Pincers (5-6 Damage)

Off-Hand (Back): Rhotuka Launcher (4 Damage; 40% stun chance)

Armor: Visorak Shell (Block 4)


Electrical Field Rhotuka (Fires a powerful electrical field Rhotuka; reduces target's Speed to 1 for 3 turns; Cooldown 5)

Venom (75% chance of inflicting poison; Cooldown 2)


Bite (Standard Attack)

Webbing (Entraps target; 50% chance of inflicting target with Hordika; Charge 3)


Slightly more challenging compared to the Nektann. Poison is the same as burn status, but deals 2 damage every round for 4 rounds. The greatest threat they pose is their unique Rhotuka power, which cripples any offensive class, and of course their ability to corrupt enemies with Hordika venom. As a gameplay mechanic, Hordika status is cured after the battle, but if it succeeds, you gain berserk status, which has a 50% chance of doubling your damage, but making your character completely uncontrollable that round, every turn, as well as disabling all Techniques except the standard attack. Definitely a Visorak's greatest weapon...


4. Muaka and Kane-Ra:



Great Tiger Rahi


HP: 25

Offense: 7

Defense: 3

Speed: 6


Weapon: Claws (6 Damage)

Armor: Muaka Hide (Block 2)


Stretch (Extends neck for a sudden attack; 1.5x Damage, with 50% chance of critical hit; Cooldown 4)

Savage (Wild attack with claws, for 2x Damage; Cooldown 2)


Bite (Standard Attack)



Great Bull Rahi


HP: 20

Offense: 4

Defense: 6

Speed: 6


Weapon: Horns (5 Damage)

Armor: Kane-Ra Hide (Block 3)


Stretch (Extends neck for a sudden attack; 1.5x Damage, with 50% chance of critical hit; Cooldown 4)

Headbutt (Smashes head into foes, for 1.5x Damage, with 50% chance of stun; Cooldown 2)


Strike (Standard Attack)


A fairly simple double battle, with an offensive and defensive partner. Another refresher battle basically: the Nui-Rama battle upped a notch.


4. Panrahk, Guurahk, and Vorahk:



Rahkshi of Fragmentation


HP: 20

Offense: 6

Defense: 4

Speed: 6


Weapon: Staff of Fragmentation (6-7 Damage)

Armor: Rahkshi Armor (Block 3)


Shatter (Fires a powerful blast of force at the ground, sending enemies flying for 2x Damage; 50% chance of crash damage; Cooldown 4)

Flight (Doubles Speed, but disables other Abilities for next three rounds; Cooldown 2)

Brutal Finish (Desperation Attack; directly attacks enemy with fragmenting power; 10% chance of instant death; Cooldown 10)


Strike (Standard Attack)

Explosive Shot (Fires a powerful beam of energy, for 2x Damage; Charge 3)

Kaita Vo (Partner Attack w/ Guurahk and Vorahk; summons Rahkshi Kaita Vo; removes self from battle; Charge 1)



Rahkshi of Disintegration


HP: 20

Offense: 6

Defense: 4

Speed: 6


Weapon: Staff of Disintegration (6-7 Damage)

Armor: Rahkshi Armor (Block 3)


Disintegrate (Fires a powerful disintegration cone, negating all attacks incoming this round; Cooldown 4)

Flight (Doubles Speed, but disables other Abilities for next three rounds; Cooldown 2)

Cruel Finish (Desperation Attack; attacks enemy's equipment, completely destroying armor; Cooldown 10)


Strike (Standard Attack)

Disintegrating Shot (Fires a powerful beam of energy for 1.5x Damage, with a 50% chance of crit; Charge 3)

Kaita Vo (Partner Attack w/ Panrahk and Vorahk; summons Rahkshi Kaita Vo; removes self from battle; Charge 1)



Rahkshi of Hunger


HP: 20

Offense: 6

Defense: 4

Speed: 6


Weapon: Staff of Absorption (6-7 Damage)

Armor: Rahkshi Armor (Block 3)


Absorb (Fires a powerful beam of absorption energy; doubles Offense and halves target's Offense for 2 turns; Cooldown 4)

Flight (Doubles Speed, but disables other Abilities for next three rounds; Cooldown 2)

Empty Finish (Desperation Attack; drains all enemies' strength, reducing Offense to 1; Cooldown 10)


Strike (Standard Attack)

Hunger Shot (Fires a powerful beam of energy for 2x Damage; Charge 3)

Kaita Vo (Partner Attack w/ Panrahk and Guurahk; summons Rahkshi Kaita Vo; removes self from battle; Charge 1)


Another intense battle, like the earlier Kraata battle. Definitely overkill preparation for the challenge. They have high offense and speed, coupled with high damage. Their Rahkshi powers tend to be devastating, epitomized with their frightening Finish attacks. And if things get too tough, they can always summon their Kaita- which combines all of their abilities, in a fully healed enemy. Approaching alone is suicide, as seen in the Mask of Light film; consider this as you would the Bohrok battle.


Challenge: Zadakh





HP: 40

Offense: 8

Defense: 6

Speed: 6


Weapon: Staff of Suggestion (8 Damage)

Off-Hand (Mouth): Kanoka Launcher (4-12 Damage)

Armor: Vahki Casing (Block 5)

Other: Limit Boost (Raises Desperation Attack Threshold to 15% max HP)


Pursuit (Multiplies Speed and Offense by 1.5x, but can only attack 1 target until Pursuit is voluntarily disabled; Cooldown 10)

Suggestion (Negates player control of character for next round; orders must be suggested by partners, who in turn cannot attack that round; Cooldown 4)

Reinforcements (Desperation Attack; summons 2 additional Zadakh; Cooldown 8)


Strike (Standard Attack)

Vahki Frenzy (Powerful melee and Kanoka combo; 2 attacks at 0.75x Damage and one Off-hand attack at 0.5x Damage; Charge 3)


A powerful enemy, although their greatest weakness is their preference to fight alone. Make sure that you finish it quickly, or else it will call for reinforcements. When that happens you are essentially doomed. The best strategy is, as always, to approach with a large team.



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I kinda have to agree. 0_o The Rahkshi seem overpowered. xP But I guess it's because of Suggestion; if you fight alone, that could end the fight instantly... right?


But it does seem stronger than Rank 0; which means serious grinding is in order! ^_^

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Zadakh is more statistically powerful, and its armor also nullifies any standard attack with a starter weapon: its Block is 5, meaning it removes 5 damage from every attack.


This Challenge is also a bit easier on everyone, in comparison to the Bohrok. Teamwork can easily overcome, but alone, a Zadakh with Pursuit dominates: its Offense is 16 with that. Against Pursuit, unless your Defense is 6 or better, every standard attack will deal 32 Damage, since its Offense is more than 3x your Defense. So make sure you work together ;) .


Also, if you guys think it's too easy, I can always buff it up :evilgrin: .

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The Rahkshi's finishers basically turn them into a chance fest for anybody who doesn't have 7+ speed. Panrahk seems like it's broken: Instant death attacks seem more like something worthy of a challenge fight than a normal fight. And one that feels out of place when we're not even Tier 2. Especially when the Rahkshi get attacks that deal 2x+crit rate/2.5x/3x damage. They seems a bit overpowered for Tier 1.


BTW, what's the mechanic that leads to 32 damage?


(also, be ready for a 4 member PUG for Zadakh [maybe the Rahkshi as a balance] when the time comes for that. One healer, one fighter, one healer/defender, one of me. So yeah, basically a balanced party.)


Neya Out. :miru:

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The damage mechanic is relatively simplistic; it compares the Offense of the attacker and the Defense of the target, and gives a damage multiplier based on the ratio. The highest awarded multiplier is 4x, for an Offense:Defense ratio of 3:1 or greater. Zadakh already has 8 Offense; with Pursuit it doubles to 16. If an enemy has 5 or less Defense, the ratio is 16:5, just above 3:1. Zadakh then gets 4x 8 Damage, its weapon's damage rating, for a total of 32 Damage. Basically it punishes players who focus exclusively on Offense, without any Stats Points put into Defense: they may deal out a lot of damage, but they also take a lot.


I guess you're right regarding the difficulty of the Rahkshi, as well as the relative ease of Zadakh. Zadakh will get a slight boost and a new technique, while I guess I'll weaken Panrahk's Desperation Attack (it does seem a bit broken), as well as all the Rahkshi's attacks. But keep in mind that this 'overpowering' was intentional. BC3 isn't just an NPC-battling game; sometimes the easiest enemy will be other players.


Regarding the Rahkshi's Desperation Attacks, keep in mind that they become available at 2 HP. As long as you're working together, it should be fairly easy for you to defeat them right after that they reach that threshold.

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Erm, could you tone Pursuit's boost down a little? I don't need it as I figured out FROM this discussion defense is important, but 16 offense, no matter how you slice it, is a bit too punishing. 12 (i.e. a 1.5x boost) still forces players to put two stat points in defense before trying to take it on, without being so over-the-top that even players who have spent defense points are, well, lazor'd.


Neya Out. :smiletol:

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Sure, I guess. That was the point of posting all the enemy profiles: making sure they aren't so blatantly unfair.


I designed Zadakh to be mildly terrifying; it doesn't look like much at first (you and Blade match it already Offense- and Speed-wise), but get it started, and it will tear you apart. Plus I drew on that old Vahki commercial: Toa Vakama scares one off, only for an entire army to step out of the mist. The promotional motto for them was "Surrender or Run", right? I guess I succeeded a bit too well :P . Pursuit is now nerfed.

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