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So, erm, what font is that, exactly?




Edit: Also, if you win BotW you should change your name to "Boring Tum Man" instead of "Toa Aqueduct". Also-also, is the thing in your avatar a flying Zem? I must know.

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No, it's actually a flying pillow from Squornshellous Delta, which is the planet next to the Zems's. Close, though.


The font is "Mr. Saturn" from some game called Earthbound. It appeared when you talked to a creature named Mr. Saturn. There was an entire colony named Mr. Saturn, I think, except for one named Dr. Saturn.


Kinda like the Zems!



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It says:


"The blog has... Zoom!... been selled to Saturn Valley. Ding."


"And the Saturns. Don't forget the Saturns. They selled to Saturns too. Maybe more Saturns than Valley. Hmm? We Saturns own blog, not Valley. What Valley think, we think. Boing?"


"La, la, la. Blog name changed too! Who reading this blog entry know. Zoom, like new blog, yes? Big more fun than Boing Tum Man. Blah, blah, he says: Algebra, Science, Ding-ding, boring!"


"Want to buy blog? We selling! It $7500.00. In widgets me says. Little fun with gears, Zoom-boing!"


"-Mr. Saturns"




Simply put, they bought my blog during Hyskule days so I could focus on Hyskule more.



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