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Project Aurora: Zehvor Needed To Help

MT Zehvor


This is a bit of an odd move for us, something we've never done before, so I assume it'll have some mixed reactions, and possibly a crash and burn ending(though I hope not). That said, it has a potential for a great turn out, and a chance to establish ourselves elsewhere on BZP than the comedy forum, so I'm willing to give it a shot.


We are going to design an RPG for the Winter contest.


Doing this just by myself is pretty troublesome, especially with the size I'd like to make this thing, so right now I'm currently looking for people to help out. Here's what we'll need:


Character Design: (Designing friendlies, enemies, bosses. Probably will entail some MoCing)

Cartographers: (NOT Halo Sonu. Anyways, mapping out regions and planets)

Gameplay Design: (Basically working out the kinks in how the game will be played if it goes through voting. May include powerup design if that idea goes through)



The RPG itself takes place 10,000 years after Makuta's death and Mata Nui's...um...trip to the Wizard of Oz or wherever he went. Anyways, during that time, the Matoran and Toa on Spherus Magnus have evolved into a space faring race, constructing massive spaceships to leave Spherus Magnus and visit the area beyond. They encountered new species on some of the planets, and, due to the wise leadership of Turaga Vakama and Dume, they managed to make peace gaining various new allies such as the Terna, a technologically enhanced species of aliens.


Except that peace never lasts, or we wouldn't have a story. Recently, the Terna have apparently dropped all forms of communication with the other allies in the planet system, and have begun to use their technology to destroy the other species and wipe those species' home worlds clean.


To respond to this threat, the inhabitants of Spherus Magnus, relying on their good relations with the Terna, sent out several powerful ambassadors, including the previous OoMN member Trinuma and the Glatorian/Toa Gresh, to try and reconcile their allies. All of the ambassadors have disappeared, and the Council of High Elders, the ruling body of Spherus Magnus, needs someone to travel to the planets and figure out what went on before deciding to declare war against the Terna.


Enter...the player(s). The players will be given a spaceship to travel around to several worlds to try and find out what happened to Gresh, Trinuma, and others...and why the Terna have gone crazy. The farther progression in the game goes, the more planets(and landing sites on those planets) will be open to travel to.


Anyways, with that said, I've got most of the planets figured out.


Planet 1: Spherus Magnus(really only used for mission briefing and stuff, although it does play an important role mid game)

Planet 2: Valderra(sort of a desert/fire planet combo)

Planet 3: Acrilos(ice surface, but a lot of underground exploration makes this more of an Onu Koro than Ko Koro planet)


More planets are hidden due to (SPOILERS REMOVED).


Anyways, if anyone wants to help, send a PM my way or post here with whatever category(ies) you'd like to help in. Any help is appreciated.






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I can help with all three. :)


Just make sure to get some more people on it, because you know how I am when it comes to work.


I'm trying to get a picture of Valderra done. B)



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Of course, for now, we have one of the two Zehvor made RPGs in the FINAL POLLS! :D


Everyone came and float the vote boat with number 8! :D Yay!


-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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Hooray, lots of help, and by the looks of my drawing skills(or lack therof).


Anyways, I finished a rough draft drawing of the solar system...sorta...solar system...that is...


Solar System


(white/dark spots = landing sites)



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I see that you Zehvor are initiating your plan to take over BZP. :P Good luck anyway.

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And then the world.


(and then Mars)


Anyways, here's how our team is shaping up so far:


Cartography: Mesonak, Blackout, Brenmac

Character Design: Blackout, Brenmac, Mesonak, Gorgnak

Gameplay Design: Gorgnak, Mesonak


And, of course, I'll be helping out with all three. I believe MoC might be helping too.


NOTE: I decided to change Valderra to a jungle style planet, with lots of lava. Maybe to freshen up the environments.



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And then the world.


(and then Mars)


Anyways, here's how our team is shaping up so far:


Cartography: Mesonak, Blackout, Brenmac

Character Design: Blackout, Brenmac, Mesonak, Gorgnak

Gameplay Design: Gorgnak, Mesonak


And, of course, I'll be helping out with all three. I believe MoC might be helping too.


NOTE: I decided to change Valderra to a jungle style planet, with lots of lava. Maybe to freshen up the environments.













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I would do much for cartographer. However, I would certainly love to see city names, landmarks on the geographical surface, and all of that good stuff before we went and did that.


And trust me, I am an excellent map maker once you tell me what the heck to map.


-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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and im currently trying to take over the bbc forum thats why right now im overhauling a old moc to make it epic then im gonna get my dads epic 2000 dollar camera and take high quality pictures mwuahahahahahaha

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Nu nu nu nu you've got it all wrong. The chutes are going to be used. We can just turn some of the land masses into grass or something(unless you have the people swimming in lava) ._.



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I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to draw. It will most likely be a map of Valderra's surface, I just need to know where things such as villages are. (Or is that up to me?) I'm also working on two projects for the summer,the Me and My Bionicles continuation I've already told you about, The Bionicle Stories (I'm also writing chapters before I post them, still working on Chapter 4.) and a less action-based story taking place in Metru Nui.


-Zehvor Brenmac :)

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Oh, it's easy; you just-Spoilers Removed -Bungie 6


So getting sta-*sniped*


You know, never-*assassinated*


Okay, fo-*splattered*

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So basically what you've done is looked at Darkspace and thought "Yeah I want a piece of that". But you've added Glatorian to make it look like your own idea

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Except I didn't, if you're accusing me of plagarizing. The ideas came from the previous sources, as follows:


Levacius's RPGs hosted on another website

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Halo 3: ODST


Super Metroid

Aftermath(my comedy)

TBTTRAH: Vundas(my epic)

Halo Reach(Space combat scene)


My story has been about sci-fi for a lot longer than Darkspace has even existed. The RPG is based loosely around the events of my story, except with a twist of Bionicle backstory. The Terna have been longtime enemies, the lost races was an idea completely based upon Metroid backstory, and your claim that this is somehow a rip off is completely innaccurate.


EDIT: I've taken a look at the Darkspace page now, and how it works, and the only thing that looks remotely familiar is the idea of multiple planets. And I've been hosting RPGs with multiple planets since last year(people such as MoC, Lev, Blackout, or Mesonak can testify to this). The gameplay is completely different, the combat system is completely different, the plotline is completely different, heck, everything except for the idea of multiple planets and the fact that there are Toa in there is completely different.



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So you're not plagiarising, you're just taking ideas from a bunch of other places. You do know that's pretty much what 'plagiarism' means, right?

You don't think there are similarities? Well let's take a look shall we?


RPG set in far future? Check

Mainly set in space? Check

MU robot being used as the source of new technology? Check

Alien race bent on destroying all others? Check

Band of Bionicle beings coming together to fight the alien menace? Check

Planets are elemental themed? Check


Want me to go on?

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If you're going to accuse me of that, you might as well go ahead and say that Darkspace is a complete rip off of sci fi adventures, cause "Darkspace takes the ideas of space adventures from sci fi." That's just plain stupid.


RPG set in far future? Check

Mainly set in space? Check

MU robot being used as the source of new technology? Check

Alien race bent on destroying all others? Check

Band of Bionicle beings coming together to fight the alien menace? Check

Planets are elemental themed? Check

Far future, we already discussed this. Aftermath has been doing that for about a year longer than Darkspace.


It's actually not mainly set in space. Everything happens on the other planets. We had debated only using one planet earlier, but multi planets won out(see the blog). That's what you call a team vote, not plagirism.


I don't know where you got the idea that Darkspace was the first to use the idea of reverse engineering an MN robot. That's been around since Makuta died. Oh, lemme guess, Darkspace also created the idea of aliens too, right?


Alien race bent on destroying all others. Excuse me, have you not been paying attention to Bionicle for the past 10 years? What were the Makuta trying to do, huh? And the Skrall? Or, if you don't like Bionicle, how about War of the Worlds, hmm? More aliens trying to destroy the planet. And, as you'll see(when you actually look at the RPG when it comes out <_<) it's not the aliens wanting to destroy everyone. But I can't give away anything more as it's spoilers.


If you're gonna say that, then you might as well say Halo plagerized Metroid, cause there are alien species trying to destroy everyone in both.


Band of Bionicles. Again, look at the Bionicle storyline. Tell me one place where a band of Bionicles doesn't fight the "evil" people trying to destroy the universe. One place.


I'll give you a hint: Never. What you basically just said is that Darkspace invented heroes, the people that fight together against evil. As if you hadn't lost all credibility in your argument yet.


Planets are elemental themed? Check

The planets aren't elemental themed, and if you played the game(owait it hasn't come out yet), you'd know that. The closest you'll find to one element is Arcilos, the mainly ice world, which doesn't even involve ice cause it takes place underground. And it has things like water areas, high tech bases, and weaponries.


Valderra was a jungle planet, but then was hit by a meteor which had a dinosaur like effect. It ended up making it a half jungle, half lava type place, with little water spread across the surface. And if you're gonna say that's elemental, then you might as well say that Earth is ripping off Bionicle, cause it has water. Again, incredibly stupid.


Deavum Omega is a gas giant. 'Nuff said.


Once again, you have no evidence, and no ground to stand on as far as your accusations go. Please try reading the actual RPG development before you go and accuse me of plagarizing, k?



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I am trying to help by pointing out flaws I see in your RPG. If i read through it and go "This is Darkspace!" then others will too. But hey, if you want to stick your fingers in your ears and ignore me...


If you're going to accuse me of that, you might as well go ahead and say that Darkspace is a complete rip off of sci fi adventures, cause "Darkspace takes the ideas of space adventures from sci fi." That's just plain stupid.

Darkspace takes inspiration, not whole ideas


It's actually not mainly set in space. Everything happens on the other planets

On other planets, so in other words in space


MU Robot came from the idea of reverse engineering, which was first brought about in the 1960s. Then it was used again in Transformers(forgot to mention), when Megatron was reverse engineered to create technology.

Darkspace used the MU as a source for space technology, so do you. Saying "Well these people did it to!" is irrelevant as they didn't do it with the MU


Alien race bent on destroying all others. Excuse me, have you not been paying attention to Bionicle for the past 10 years? What were the Makuta trying to do, huh? And the Skrall?

Both Makuta and Skrall were native to the areas they were attempting to conquer. So not aliens


Band of Bionicles. Again, look at the Bionicle storyline. Tell me one place where a band of Bionicles doesn't fight the "evil" people trying to destroy the universe. One place.

Year four where you had the Toa Metru basically trying to prove themselves, not stop global armageddon. Ta-da ;)


The planets aren't elemental themed, and if you played the game(owait it hasn't come out yet), you'd know that.

You describe Valderra as a desert/fire planet, Acrilos as an ice planet, and in another entry mention a water planet. I call that elemental themed


Once again, you have no evidence, and no ground to stand on as far as your accusations go. Please try reading the actual RPG development before you go and accuse me of plagarizing, k?

Please try reading and understand my posts, and keeping up with your own RPG, if some of my points are anything to go by, before rushing in and thinking to yourself "Ah insults bad! Hate hate hate!"

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