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Project Aurora: Zehvor Needed To Help

MT Zehvor


This is a bit of an odd move for us, something we've never done before, so I assume it'll have some mixed reactions, and possibly a crash and burn ending(though I hope not). That said, it has a potential for a great turn out, and a chance to establish ourselves elsewhere on BZP than the comedy forum, so I'm willing to give it a shot.


We are going to design an RPG for the Winter contest.


Doing this just by myself is pretty troublesome, especially with the size I'd like to make this thing, so right now I'm currently looking for people to help out. Here's what we'll need:


Character Design: (Designing friendlies, enemies, bosses. Probably will entail some MoCing)

Cartographers: (NOT Halo Sonu. Anyways, mapping out regions and planets)

Gameplay Design: (Basically working out the kinks in how the game will be played if it goes through voting. May include powerup design if that idea goes through)



The RPG itself takes place 10,000 years after Makuta's death and Mata Nui's...um...trip to the Wizard of Oz or wherever he went. Anyways, during that time, the Matoran and Toa on Spherus Magnus have evolved into a space faring race, constructing massive spaceships to leave Spherus Magnus and visit the area beyond. They encountered new species on some of the planets, and, due to the wise leadership of Turaga Vakama and Dume, they managed to make peace gaining various new allies such as the Terna, a technologically enhanced species of aliens.


Except that peace never lasts, or we wouldn't have a story. Recently, the Terna have apparently dropped all forms of communication with the other allies in the planet system, and have begun to use their technology to destroy the other species and wipe those species' home worlds clean.


To respond to this threat, the inhabitants of Spherus Magnus, relying on their good relations with the Terna, sent out several powerful ambassadors, including the previous OoMN member Trinuma and the Glatorian/Toa Gresh, to try and reconcile their allies. All of the ambassadors have disappeared, and the Council of High Elders, the ruling body of Spherus Magnus, needs someone to travel to the planets and figure out what went on before deciding to declare war against the Terna.


Enter...the player(s). The players will be given a spaceship to travel around to several worlds to try and find out what happened to Gresh, Trinuma, and others...and why the Terna have gone crazy. The farther progression in the game goes, the more planets(and landing sites on those planets) will be open to travel to.


Anyways, with that said, I've got most of the planets figured out.


Planet 1: Spherus Magnus(really only used for mission briefing and stuff, although it does play an important role mid game)

Planet 2: Valderra(sort of a desert/fire planet combo)

Planet 3: Acrilos(ice surface, but a lot of underground exploration makes this more of an Onu Koro than Ko Koro planet)


More planets are hidden due to (SPOILERS REMOVED).


Anyways, if anyone wants to help, send a PM my way or post here with whatever category(ies) you'd like to help in. Any help is appreciated.






Recommended Comments

I'm afraid, TPTI, MT is correct. Darkspace has an ice planet and a burning planet, but that is it for elements. You can't say that this is ripping off Darkspace just because it's also SciFi. If you are going to say that, then I'm araid you are wrong.


I do agree both are on other planets, but that is where similarities end. There are multiple planets on this, and unlike Darkspace which is set in a bunch of trash heaps bundled together, it is a bunch of ACTUAL PLANETS.


And as far as I can tell, Darkspace doesn't have aliens. It is the Solar Legion, the toa and matoran, fighting against the Nightstars, who are likewise, only corrupted by the Necrodermis. The closest to aliens there is the one leader, and that is debated over. No, I'm afraid your argument is considered incorrect.


And you state that taking ideas from other things is always plagarism. Sure.... how many times have you looked up at an RPG and said that it's completely original, and that it isn't copied in even the tinyest way from anything. I doubt ever. So please, stop harrasing people just because you like another RPG of the same genre better.


And what MT means to say on "set in space" is the fact Darkspace is acutal ship vs. ship. This is hand to hand on the planet.


-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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You can't say that this is ripping off Darkspace just because it's also SciFi.

How abotu Bionicle Sci-fi? DS or Night of Infinity work.


And you state that taking ideas from other things is always plagarism. Sure.... how many times have you looked up at an RPG and said that it's completely original, and that it isn't copied in even the tinyest way from anything. I doubt ever. So please, stop harrasing people just because you like another RPG of the same genre better.

Taking =/= inspiration ;)


also, harassment where :???:


Darkspace has an ice planet and a burning planet, but that is it for elements.

That sort of supports him, since you also had an ice and fire planet, since you can't really blame him for looking at the initial plans here.


And as far as I can tell, Darkspace doesn't have aliens. It is the Solar Legion, the toa and matoran, fighting against the Nightstars, who are likewise, only corrupted by the Necrodermis.

From the blackest pit in space, the invaders come, dark forces of irrational destruction. These madmen have no motive but to lay waste to all that is good. They lead armies of innocent victims, transformed into mindless cyborg slaves.

You keep saying to read things more carefully. Good advice.

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So the gist of your argument is that your RPG is derivative, not plagiarist.

Of course it draws on ideas made by other stories. Nearly every great story does that. Heck, I'd be willing to bet that if you asked Lloyd(he's the creator of Darkspace, I believe), he'd say he got some ideas from other places. But most of the ideas are mine. It's not like I just threw everything together and made it a game. And when you actually see the game(like I've been saying), then you can judge for yourself.


I've listed places that I've drawn inspiration from. I didn't say I grabbed Metroid Prime 3, or Halo, and then made it an RPG. But then again you haven't played the RPG, so you wouldn't know.


Darkspace used the MU as a source for space technology, so do you. Saying "Well these people did it to!" is irrelevant as they didn't do it with the MU

Wait, so you're telling me here that since the Matoran Universe has technology in it, that's ripping off Darkspace? Dude, I've been in RPGs with space technology in the MU since 2009. Looks like Darkspace ripped Levacius off multiple times.


Year four where you had the Toa Metru basically trying to prove themselves, not stop global armageddon. Ta-da

All right. Perhaps I exaggerated there. But you were telling me that Darkspace was the first to find a band of heroes fighting against a race bent on domination. That happened in Bionicle multiple times, including 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010, the earliest of those coming 9 years before Darkspace.


Basically what you've just done is accuse me of ripping off the idea of evil vs. good. And in that case, you should probably accuse Darkspace of that too.


You describe Valderra as a desert/fire planet, Acrilos as an ice planet, and in another entry mention a water planet. I call that elemental themed

Look at the RPG blogs. It's developed over time.


Oh, and btw, elemental planets happened with Otto Matic way back in 1999, 11 years ago. So, once again, there's Darkspace "ripping off" another idea(and there's another alien takeover in that game too, btw)


Both Makuta and Skrall were native to the areas they were attempting to conquer. So not aliens

Ok, but you ignore the War of the Worlds reference. So Darkspace "ripped off" War of the Worlds. Oops, another rip off.


I'm open to crticism. But to stand here and tell me that "You can't use those ideas cause Darkspace uses them too," is just incredibly ridiculous, BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT EVEN HIS IDEAS. AND THAT'S OK. It's perfectly fine for a story to use sci-fi, or multiple planets, or whatever. It's called inspiration. It's where I got the idea for this story, and I'd be willing to bet if you actually asked Lloyd, he'd tell you he didn't think up the idea of multiple planets or whatever as you're stating.


Oh, and btw, if you don't want such a hostile reception, you probably shouldn't barge in with:

So basically what you've done is looked at Darkspace and thought "Yeah I want a piece of that". But you've added Glatorian to make it look like your own idea

You'll get a much nicer reception next time ;)


One thing you still haven't answered: I was doing sci fi future one year before Darkspace. Are you still accusing me of that, or what?



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I'm afraid, TPTI, MT is correct. Darkspace has an ice planet and a burning planet, but that is it for elements. You can't say that this is ripping off Darkspace just because it's also SciFi. If you are going to say that, then I'm araid you are wrong.

It also has Intrans, which is a mining/Earth world, and you could say that since Vesper Station is a dock it is reminiscent of water planets


I do agree both are on other planets, but that is where similarities end. There are multiple planets on this, and unlike Darkspace which is set in a bunch of trash heaps bundled together, it is a bunch of ACTUAL PLANETS.

They are bodies of matter floating in space. They're planets. The fact that they're made of rubbish is irrelevant as that's basically what all planets are made of. Gravity pulls stuff together and boom, planet


And as far as I can tell, Darkspace doesn't have aliens. It is the Solar Legion, the toa and matoran, fighting against the Nightstars, who are likewise, only corrupted by the Necrodermis. The closest to aliens there is the one leader, and that is debated over. No, I'm afraid your argument is considered incorrect.

I believe Nihy pointed the inaccuracy of this out well enough


And you state that taking ideas from other things is always plagarism. Sure.... how many times have you looked up at an RPG and said that it's completely original, and that it isn't copied in even the tinyest way from anything. I doubt ever. So please, stop harrasing people just because you like another RPG of the same genre better.

Taking ideas is, yes. Being inspired by other things is not. And honestly I can't ever think of a time when I've looked at a well-put-together RPG and gone "Hang on a minute...this is just [______]!"

This is not harassment, this is criticism. If you did want any you should have dealt with this in PMs and not mentioned 'help' in the title


Wait, so you're telling me here that since the Matoran Universe has technology in it, that's ripping off Darkspace?

No, I'm saying that since you have your RPg using the MU to upgrade their tech level to space-faring capabilities, it looks like you took it from Darkspace. Like I said, read and understand my posts


Basically what you've just done is accuse me of ripping off the idea of evil vs. good. And in that case, you should probably accuse Darkspace of that too.

You could have an evil group of Glatorian. You could have a good group of Terna. You do not. Your factions are strictly black and white. Like Darkspace. I am not saying that is original to Darkspace, I'm saying it does not help your cause to be so similar.

Same for the elemental planets.

Oh btw, I've played Otto Matic, the planets are so not elemental themed


I'm open to crticism. But to stand here and tell me that "You can't use those ideas cause Darkspace uses them too," is just incredibly ridiculous, BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT EVEN HIS IDEAS. AND THAT'S OK

No, I'm telling you that if you're going to use those ideas, don't make the look so much the same


Oh, and btw, if you don't want such a hostile reception, you probably shouldn't barge in with

I thought (and still think) it looks like Darkspace, so told you so. What would you prefer me to do, give you an entire paragraph of compliments first? Not going to happen


I was doing sci fi future one year before Darkspace. Are you still accusing me of that, or what?

So has Lloyd. Check out Night of Infinity

And what exactly do you think i was accusing you of?

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it seems like TPTI just came on here to say [iNSERT MT'S RPG NAME HERE] is a rip-off of darkspace


that's not pointing out flaws


I'm not in a debating mood so I'll leave it at that.



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This is not harassment, this is criticism. If you did want any you should have dealt with this in PMs and not mentioned 'help' in the title

Speaking of titles, have you noticed how it says "Zehvor" and not "Random People?"


It also has Intrans, which is a mining/Earth world, and you could say that since Vesper Station is a dock it is reminiscent of water planets

Oh, ok. I get it. Darkspace used every single element there is, and now when I use one, it's plagerising. Amirite?


Oops, looks like the Greeks had the idea of water and earth as an element about 2,000 years before Darkspace. Guess he needs to apologize to the Greeks too, huh?



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Dude, I've been in RPGs with space technology in the MU since 2009.

You keep mentioning them. Can I see? Even if you can't post it here, you could pm me or something.


Also, 2009? When? Like January 2009? If not, then I guess you ripped off of Night of Infinity. I know it says march, but it started in January, because of the server fail.


Speaking of titles, have you noticed how it says "Zehvor" and not "Random People?"

If it bothers you SO MUCH, then go to this forum of yours. That way, you can put together a sloppy RPG without criticism. ;)

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Speaking of titles, have you noticed how it says "Zehvor" and not "Random People?"


Uh, sure. The thing is, if you want a good opinion on how people like your RPG, it's best not to just add the people who are your friends/the people working on it.


Just my advice. :)


Oh, ok. I get it. Darkspace used every single element there is, and now when I use one, it's plagerising. Amirite?


If I'm correct, Darkspace only used the primary five.


Oops, looks like the Greeks had the idea of water and earth as an element about 2,000 years before Darkspace. Guess he needs to apologize to the Greeks too, huh?


The Greeks didn't have planets based on them, did they?



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The criticism will come when the RPG is finished, or at least a substantial bit completed, and can then be modified.


Things are still being planned out right now, which is why he wants his team, and only his team, to plan it with him.




EDIT: @TSTSE: i call them bioniclez :)

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okay now check every other winner rpg




i don't see any mention of bionicles


Things are still being planned out right now, which is why he wants his team, and only his team, to plan it with him.

Since you guys have your own fora, I don't see why you can't do it there. Less chance of someone HARASSING you that way.

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Oh, ok. I get it. Darkspace used every single element there is, and now when I use one, it's plagerising. Amirite?


Oops, looks like the Greeks had the idea of water and earth as an element about 2,000 years before Darkspace. Guess he needs to apologize to the Greeks too, huh?

I take your quote and raise you three of my own

Please try reading and understanding my posts,

I am not saying that is original to Darkspace, I'm saying it does not help your cause to be so similar.

No, I'm telling you that if you're going to use those ideas, don't make the look so much the same


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okay now check every other winner rpg




i don't see any mention of bionicles


Things are still being planned out right now, which is why he wants his team, and only his team, to plan it with him.

Since you guys have your own fora, I don't see why you can't do it there. Less chance of someone HARASSING you that way.


Except, to my knowledge, we have none.


also fair point@Bionicles



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Dude, I've been in RPGs with space technology in the MU since 2009. Looks like Darkspace ripped Levacius off multiple times.

>Implying there are other bionicle rpgs

>>Implying that you guys play them

>>Realize that there are only 3 brpgs at a time and that you didn't play them on bzp

>>>Implying that you have different fora

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Since we're on the topic of plagarism, I'll add in my two cents:


If MT is plagarizing by taking ideas from other sources while adding his own, then George Lucas did the same thing when he first made Star Wars back in in 1977. A couple of examples would be when the Luke and Han disguise themselves as Stormtroopers or that Obi-Wan disappeared when he died. Similar things happened decades earlier in the Wizard of Oz when the Tin Man, the Scarecrow, and the Cowardly Lion disguise themselves as the Witch's soldiers and that the Wicked witch also disappeared when she died.


Oh yeah, and Star Wars had Elemental themed planets too such as Hoth (ice), Mustafar (fire), and Endor (forest). Did George Lucas "rip off" Darkspace back in 1980, 2005, and 1983?


-Zehvor Brenmac :)

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While I do not appreciate the trashing of Darkspace here, I do not think this is terribly plagarist of Darkspace.


It reminds me more of Night of Infinity. That did have aliens, it did have every single kind of elemental planet, it did have more planetary combat, it did have more black-and-white conflict than Darkspace


Also, you can't say that you were doing SciFi Bionicle a year before Darkspace...because even if you were, Nigh of Infinity ran before even that. So I still beat you to the punch.


Speaking of titles, have you noticed how it says "Zehvor" and not "Random People?"

Then set it up over IM or PM. That's what I do. ;)


Oh, ok. I get it. Darkspace used every single element there is, and now when I use one, it's plagerising. Amirite?

No, not terribly. There are several I didn't use, such as air (a gas planet), earth (which would require actual ground) water, and the like. Do you know why I didn't use them.


Because I used them in Night of Infinity.


That names keeps popping up.


If you would like help with a Space RPG, I'd be willing to get into this with you, as I know a few things about them.



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If MT is plagarizing by taking ideas from other sources while adding his own, then George Lucas did the same thing when he first made Star Wars back in in 1977. A couple of examples would be when the Luke and Han disguise themselves as Stormtroopers or that Obi-Wan disappeared when he died. Similar things happened decades earlier in the Wizard of Oz when the Tin Man, the Scarecrow, and the Cowardly Lion disguise themselves as the Witch's soldiers and that the Wicked witch also disappeared when she died.


Uh, none of this really matters, TBH. We're talking about the similarities between two Bionicle RPGs on the same forum in the same genre, as well.


Oh yeah, and Star Wars had Elemental themed planets too such as Hoth (ice), Mustafar (fire), and Endor (forest). Did George Lucas "rip off" Darkspace back in 1980, 2005, and 1983?


There were even more planets then that and in Lucas's case, it was more of a single biome planet thing.


meso, lev, mt, I think we are forgetting a substantial rule here:


i had a pic somewhere, but i lost it. sad facial expression.


» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «


Luckily, I keep such images on hand, for such situations.


No one here is trolling. Not our fault that we (all experienced RPers) are offering advice and you guys are ignoring it...



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I apologize if any of us have "trashed" Darkspace. That was not our intent. Our intent was to show how this was not a rip off of your RPG.


And even Lloyd has said that it's not plagerific. Happy now?


">Implying there are other bionicle rpgs

>>Implying that you guys play them

>>Realize that there are only 3 brpgs at a time and that you didn't play them on bzp

>>>Implying that you have different fora"


Except it wasn't in a forum, it was in a chat. If you want, I can PM you the exact specifications of the RPG. Or, better yet, Lev can, since he hosted them. In fact, I've hosted one, and I'll be happy to list the specifics right here: (note, this RPG took place in early May)


Multiple Planets

Ship that flies to each planet

Team of Toa attempting to figure out what happened to a spaceship wrecked in the middle of space

Team travels to a cave world with constant acid rainfall

One of the team members betrays the other

Team reunited in the end because of boss appearance

Boss escapes, team follows him through portal to the wrecked ship previously mentioned

Team ends up defeating boss and escaping ship.


Multiple people played this RPG, including Mesonak, Lev, Blackout, and Makuta of Comedy. You are welcome to ask them to back up my story.


Also, 2009? When? Like January 2009? If not, then I guess you ripped off of Night of Infinity. I know it says march, but it started in January, because of the server fail.

And you've pretty much proved my point right there. You can't really make an RPG about anything that hasn't been done before.


No, I'm telling you that if you're going to use those ideas, don't make the look so much the same

Except I like the way everything is. The team and I voted on it, and made it that way. And I'm not changing just cause someone else has an RPG that contains similar elements.



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Don't take things out of context.

It reminds me more of Night of Infinity. That did have aliens, it did have every single kind of elemental planet, it did have more planetary combat, it did have more black-and-white conflict than Darkspace


Except it wasn't in a forum, it was in a chat.

Then send an all-Zehvors-assemble! message over the chat?

And you've pretty much proved my point right there. You can't really make an RPG about anything that hasn't been done before.

...what. SeriouslywhatisthisIdon'teven.


You keep asserting that DS ripped off your chat RPG, and now... yeah okay.


And the point went missed.




















Except I like the way everything is. The team and I voted on it, and made it that way. And I'm not changing just cause someone else has an RPG that contains similar elements.



Oh, right, because the TEAM is what matters. When you make an RPG and take up 1 of three spaces, the TEAM is all that counts. Forget the players! Forget the constituency! You have to pander only to the TEAM.

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You keep asserting that DS ripped off your chat RPG, and now... yeah okay.

No, no, no, no. I never said that, or meant to say that.


You guys were saying that I had plagerised DS by using multiple planets...I believe it was. My response was saying that I had used multiple planets in the past, and by your logic, that would mean DS was ripping off me. The whole point was to show how utterly ridiculous that was, because Lloyd has never seen any of our RPGs.


Oh, right, because the TEAM is what matters. When you make an RPG and take up 1 of three spaces, the TEAM is all that counts. Forget the players! Forget the constituency! You have to pander only to the TEAM.

Ok, now I think you're just trying to yell at me for the heck of it. The team is voting on what would be a better and more fun experience for the people that end up playing it. We're not attempting to make the players feel bad or something. I'm simply allowing the people who are actually working alongside with me on this to put their feedback in on what they want to see in the game.


Then send an all-Zehvors-assemble! message over the chat?

Except that not all the Zehvor on on the chat. Only about a third of them are, and only about a fourth even played the RPG.


Anyways, the blog is for RPG development, not for arguing. Lloyd has already said that it's not plagerizing, so I don't see what you have left to debate. If you do have something, however, you are welcome to send me a PM. This entry is for those who wished to sign up and help the RPG, and it's purpose is pretty much served.


Entry Closed.



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