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C. I. R. C. L. E. Discussions Made Easy




It is with great pleasure that we announce to our members that "The C.I.R.C.L.E." has officially decided to use GoogleWave for future non-voting discussions!


GoogleWave is a Google-hosted messaging service that allows for quicker communication within a group such as ourselves. Each discussion gets its' own private "Wave" and anyone with an invitation can then contribute to the discussion without the rest of the world being privy to the conversation. Furthermore, GoogleWave saves all of the conversations, so there's no need to use your harddrive space to record them. Also, everything that you type is recorded in real-time. If you missed some of the discussion, you can just hit the "Playback" button and watch the conversation unfold in front of you.


We believe that, with this tool, we can communicate easier over issues that arise within our group without the worry of the general public overhearing or the need to send out and reply to a mass of PMs. This is also helpful to discuss things that are to be kept private under the various "Non-Disclosure Agreements" we've all agreed to.


You can sign up with GoogleWave by clicking the above posted image, then all you need to do is register for it with your e-Mail address. For those of you worried about you privacy, fear not, your e-Mail address is kept completely confidential. You simply create an @GoogleWave.com address, for instance:

  • Åusår is ToaAusar@GoogleWave.com
  • Kohilå is KohilaIce@GoogleWave.com
  • Koji is SirKoji@GoogleWave.com
  • Talvak is Torchflare1234@GoogleWave.com
  • Makar is Toa.Makar@GoogleWave.com
  • Zorrakh is Zorrakh@GoogleWave.com
  • Zahaki is GeneralZahaki@GoogleWave.com
  • I'm still waiting to hear from other members
The @GoogleWave.com address is then used to communicate with all our other members on GoogleWave without handing out your personal information that others might see. Everything is straightforward from there; you decide upon what you want your address to be, but please honor our request and choose something that is recognizably you for the @GoogleWave.com address so that communication isn't confusing for anyone.


Once we have a sufficient amount of people on GoogleWave, we will open up with a discussion concerning our upcoming Contest. Those who join later will have the Wave sent to them as well so that they can catch up on the current events.


I'll see you all there. B)



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Can't those forums be seen by anyone?

Yeah, didnt think of that. :P

Zahaki, its more of a case of Im not allowed to install the google chrome.



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Oh... Right... Sorry to hear that Zahaku


Ausar... It's lowercaps... so...


(I'm use to type that in Caps)

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Well aparently someone installed it on my family pc before and it slowed everything down.... :???:

I dont think that actualy happened though.



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I left you a reply in that GoogleWave you sent me yesterday, in hopes we can straight that all out, or at least get something else going instead.


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