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Burning Stuff



It's -definitely- fun. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. :P


Lemme explain what's been going on for the last few days. On Monday, I took a plane across Australia from Sydney, where I live, to Perth, where my grandfather and his wife lives. From there, we travelled out to their farm an hour north of the city, and I've been here since Tuesday afternoon.


Since then I've been herding cows, making fires, cooking marshmellows, feeding livestock, moving (300 pounds of) dirt to make a new garden, pruning grape vines, and back-burning. Yes, back-burning.


Which is completely awesome. Seriously, raking leaves, setting them on fire, and watching it spread when night's approaching is really cool. Before you think something like "zomguh Kiotu, that's dangerous", you have to remember, it's not, really. It was a controlled fire, and only the dry, crusty leaves would ever catch alight. Normal grass may have been burnt, but it doesn't catch on fire, really, it's too moist. So, not only does it clear away some massive amount of leaves (we're guessing around a tonne in the area we covered in an hour, without haste), it's actually safer in the long run. By burning the fuel source now, it helps against bushfires if they ever come around.


So, yes, life has been awesome these last few days. Which is good. Glad to escape from the city setting and see the country for a change. It's been pretty fun.


Except for the blisters. They hurt. :P


This will affect my time on BZP, though. I'm only able to get onto the comp for about five minutes every couple hours or so. There are some exceptions, however. In the mornings, because of my jet-lag, I wake up two hours before everyone else, and in the afternoon, when we all hang low during the middle of the day. This will be the case until Monday-week, when I head back home to Sydney. But I'll be around.


There's some other stuff I need to write about, but I'll put that into a different blog entry.



Recommended Comments

I enjoy burning old documents of my parents by dumping them into a pit, covering the thing in citronella fluid or lighter fluid, and lighting it on fire. B)
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