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Droid Or Iphone 4?



Apparently as a late birthday present, I can get one of those. I'm leaning more towards the Droid as I have an iPod Touch with iOS4.


If I were to get a phone with Droid OS, which phone should I get?






I'm looking at you, Alex Humva.


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What carrier are you on? If AT&T, iphone all the way. if anything else, android. I've got the original Droid, and it has served me well (even better after rooting and custom ROM). If carrier is not an issue, then get the EVO on sprint. Currently the best Android phone. If verizon, the Droid X just came out, and the Droid incredible is quite good too (Droid 2 is coming soon if you need a physical keyboard). T-mobile has the nexus one on contract, and that's the best long term phone to get, as google gives it the best software first, as it is the phone they made. You can get it on AT&T but its over $500 without the contract price.


I am a phone master btw

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Okay. Unfortunately, I live in Canada where we don't get those carriers. If your wondering, I'd be with Bell. How's the HTC Legend?
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Legend is getting old, but its still a solid phone and is scheduled for an upgrade to Android 2.2, which is super fast and has flash, among other things. Doesn't have a highres screen though. You can get the nexus one for Bell, which would be your best bet. If that's out of your price range, then the iphone would probably be better than the legend, as far as tech goes. Just don't expect apple to give you anything after next year. In fact, jailbreaking is always a good idea.

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