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Make An Image!



BIONICLE: Year One Contest #1: Make an Image!


Well, well, well. The first of (hopefully) quite a few Year One-related contests. Your challenge today: simply create an image! Your choice of color and whatever you put in it, though there are a few rules:


1) Total size must be under 800x300, the new signature size. Anything beyond this will be DQ'd.

2) Total file size must be around or under 200KB. This should be easy enough.

3) PNG files, please. JPG if you have to, but be sure it's high-quality lossless. GIFs, BMPs, TIFFs, and others will be DQ'd.

4) If you win, you will be asked to create your image in various sizes for Year One.


I will be the judge. I like fancy stuff, so if you want to make a few Toa silhouettes or extra effects, go right ahead. Give it your best shot!


ENTRIES ARE TO BE PMed TO ME. This avoids complications.


Entry period ends Friday, July 9th, 2010, at 9:00 PM EST.


What are you waiting for? Get creating!


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Will the images be used for Year One or is this just for fun?



Images will be used as the header for both the upcoming Year One topic and on the Year One KJ page, as well as possibly a few banners.

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Is that old B:Y1 wii box that I sent you ages ago to big or even eligible?

It is ineligible on two accounts. One, it's too big, and two, I'd prefer an end product that we can put on topics and KJ pages.

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