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This, That, And The Other Thing

Inferna Firesword


Okay, I'm pretty sure by now that a few people have noticed the changes done to my signature. I'll get onto the new sig in a second, but I have something else to talk about.


Thing 1


Before I gave my sig an extreme makeover, I had a notice for fans of my Heroes and Halflings series, saying that if anyone had questions to ask about the series, I'll try to answer them. I only got two (if there are any more, ask them here and I'll answer them), and I'm neglecting to mention who asked them, but here they are.


Will Aeolus and Amphitrite return in Wings?

This is an easy question to answer: Yes, they will.


On the way to the fight with the third Halfing, when Stara made that lightning net, why weren't its occupants electrocuted?

You know, I thought I answered this question already, but apparently I have not. Oh well; I'll just do it now.


The idea for the lightning net was taken from the book Magic Steps. In it, the mage Sandry takes remnents of Unmagic gathered at crime sites and weaves it into a net. The criminals she's hunting have Unmagic veining their bodies, and when they step into the net, they can't escape because the Unmagic in their bodies has become part of the net.


Now, the idea in H&H was similar, and it was based on the fact that there is electricity in the world around Stara, and -- being biomechanical creatures -- they would have electricity in their mechanical parts as well as their organic parts. By making the electricity in her net recognize her targets as part of them, the net latched onto them, suspended them in mid-air, and would not release them until she made it.


I'm not sure how sound my reasoning is, but it sounds cool.


Thing Two


Also in that little advertisement, I offered to give spoilers for my upcoming epic Wings for those that begged, pleaded, or threatened enough. No one did, but I'm gonna be nice (or infuriating) and give spoilers anyway.


» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
  • New villains in Wings will make halflings look like puppies in comparison
  • If you think you know everything about halflings, you ain't seen nothing yet
  • The Spear of Ajax is "more than meets the eye" (XD)
  • A character you probably haven't given much thought to will play a large role in Wings
  • Cameos abound, and a select few will be very familiar to some

Debate, dissect, and cower at your leisure. :P


Thing Three


Now, for my new sig. First off, thank you Kagha for the banner, even though I still prefer the original, lost, cyber-angel version. :P


Anyway, you may have noticed the numbers on top of the banner. Each day, they will be bolded and given a quote when you roll over them, all from Wings. When they all are bold -- well, I think you'll know what follows. :evilgrin:


*evil laughter*


Recommended Comments

Thing one: My threats weren't enough???

Yeah. It does sound cool. I suppose authors can deviate from the canon a bit when it comes to powers..... It's amazing what you can do

with sonics!


Thing two: *Halfling puppies start yipping in the background*


Thing three: The world ends?


-Zarayna, Sonic Blade

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Thing one: My threats weren't enough???

Yeah. It does sound cool. I suppose authors can deviate from the canon a bit when it comes to powers..... It's amazing what you can do

with sonics!


Thing two: *Halfling puppies start yipping in the background*


Thing three: The world ends?


-Zarayna, Sonic Blade


Thing one:

The electricity net was a nice job. Really showcases th abilities of the element aside from peoples generic lightning bolt attacks both in epics and rpgs. Another example being (Stara is used for convenience):

Enemy fire toa blinds Stara with smoke. Stara uses the enemies electrical impulses to tell where they are.



Tracking an enemy by electrical impulses.


Thing Two:

Halflings look like puppies? :o :fear:


Thing Three:

When the numbers are all bold, Wings is released?!

No, thats too obvious......


Oh no. It must be a revenge attack.

Hey Inferna, you don't hold a grudge about me resisting Infection in BZProv, do you?

Or that I tried to help Zarayna deafen you?

*Chuckles nervously*

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Thing one: My threats weren't enough???

Yeah. It does sound cool. I suppose authors can deviate from the canon a bit when it comes to powers..... It's amazing what you can do

with sonics!


Thing two: *Halfling puppies start yipping in the background*


Thing three: The world ends?


-Zarayna, Sonic Blade


Thing one:

The electricity net was a nice job. Really showcases th abilities of the element aside from peoples generic lightning bolt attacks both in epics and rpgs. Another example being (Stara is used for convenience):

Enemy fire toa blinds Stara with smoke. Stara uses the enemies electrical impulses to tell where they are.



Tracking an enemy by electrical impulses.


Thing Two:

Halflings look like puppies? :o :fear:


Thing Three:

When the numbers are all bold, Wings is released?!

No, thats too obvious......


Oh no. It must be a revenge attack.

Hey Inferna, you don't hold a grudge about me resisting Infection in BZProv, do you?

Or that I tried to help Zarayna deafen you?

*Chuckles nervously*


You? I was the one who started it! *Hides in profile*

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Um... There's no electricity in Bionicle. The mechanical parts are levers and stuff.

Pics or I don't believe you.


Thing 1: Yes, like that


Thing 2: What I meant was that in comparison to the new enemies, the halflings will look like cute little harmless puppies (when they were unopposed they were more like pitbulls and dobermans).


Thing 3: Well, I was thinking more along the lines of "Action, adventure, plot twists, and me laughing like an evil genius", but I guess those work too. :P

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Um... There's no electricity in Bionicle. The mechanical parts are levers and stuff.

Pics or I don't believe you.


Thing 1: Yes, like that


Thing 2: What I meant was that in comparison to the new enemies, the halflings will look like cute little harmless puppies (when they were unopposed they were more like pitbulls and dobermans).


Thing 3: Well, I was thinking more along the lines of "Action, adventure, plot twists, and me laughing like an evil genius", but I guess those work too. :P


I was thinking along the lines of


The Countdown begins to destroy ourselves


Skillet Hero :P

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