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Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog



Just watched it tonight. Very good, well worth the 42 minutes.


Kind of a dissatisfying ending, though. Which makes me happy to hear there's a sequel in the works. Here's hoping it's a full movie...


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Took you long enough, Bunda! :P


Are you kidding the ending was great. I mean it kind of left you like "waaaht" but still.


Has it been entirely confirmed that there's a sequel coming?

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My favorite song is either My Eyes (the duet between Horrible and Penny) or Brand New Day. Some really great lyrics in those.


If you haven't yet, look up the 8-bit fanmade version, it's excellent. This guy made flash animations of the whole thing to make it look like an RPG on the NES.



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I just showed that to my brother the other day! What a crazy random happenstance!


The sequel should be amazing, of course. Unfortunately it's curtains for us until then. Lacey, gently wafting curtains.



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^^^ You can tell who is the real fan here. :P


I loved that ending. I can't wait for the sequel... But I really hope they pull it off right.


It's a gamble!

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there is a sequel being made? that is more awesome than a yellow submarine eating a purple banana elephant of doom.

So says Wikipedia. They say it's likely they'll start filming next year, so it's still some ways out.


I've seen bits and pieces. Does look funny. I should watch it some day.

There isn't much more than bits and pieces to it, it's only 42 minutes long. XD


I just showed that to my brother the other day! What a crazy random happenstance!


The sequel should be amazing, of course. Unfortunately it's curtains for us until then. Lacey, gently wafting curtains.



... How many times have you watched it? XD

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You can tell who is the real fan here. :P

Psshh... I just saw it so long ago (like a real fan) that I stopped following the news before the sequel was announced.


That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. :P

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