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I Need A Camera



I figure it would be a good idea for me to finally get a digital camera, as I do not own one and whenever I need one at school I always borrow a friend's. Also I will probably need/want one for my journalism class as I'm going around to events to write about.


So I figure I should buy one before BrickFair.


I know we have some pretty camera-savvy members here, but I also know that a few/most of those people use those super expensive kinds with the removable lenses and whatnot. What I want is something probably between $150 and $200 (because I'll need to spend a few extra dollars if I want something good and lasting, as opposed to a cheap $100 camera)--your standard, casual digital camera.


I guess off the top of my head the top companies are Canon, Casio, Sony, Nikon, and Kodak, but if anyone can tell me yay or nay to those and give me some tips on what to look for, that would be great. (I especially want a multiple exposure feature for those cool lightwriting tricks.) Nukaya has already provided a few helpful links of advice for buying a good camera.


What should I be paying attention to when searching for cameras (either Amazon.com, a manufacturer's website, or say Best Buy either online or walking in to the store)? There is so much information given in all the searching I'm doing. Maybe it would be best if I just went into Best Buy, so I have a more centralized collection to look at and the people there would know what is good with what I want.


-CF :kakama:


Recommended Comments

Know that digital zoom is far far far far inferior to actual zoom. But if you're looking for a camera to take Lego photos with, and you're looking at point-and-shoots, make sure there's a good macro setting.


The Nikon point-and-shoot lines are all pretty good. Nikon prides themselves on good lens quality and their point-and-shoots are no different. Though if you want, you can buy my old Kodak Easyshare point-and-shoot that I used to take all my photos with prior to my DSLR purchase. $100, and I'll bring it to Brickfair for you. Yeah? ;)

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On the other hand, Canon PowerShot cameras are excellent, and mine has an incredibly impressive macro lens for a casual camera. Highly recommended, but seeing as it was a gift, I don't know how much it was.
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As Emo Sewa said, Canon Powershots, They are excellent cameras. If I may, I'd recommend the Powershot SX 120IS. It has 10x optical zoom and 40x digital, the digital is a good deal clear too, provided you have a steady hand, and its 10 Megapixel too. Forget Nikon. :P
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As Emo Sewa said, Canon Powershots, They are excellent cameras. If I may, I'd recommend the Powershot SX 120IS. It has 10x optical zoom and 40x digital, the digital is a good deal clear too, provided you have a steady hand, and its 10 Megapixel too. Forget Nikon. :P

I second this recommendation. I have the SX10IS (the older version of the next model up (the new one is the SX20IS)), and I love it. I almost got this smaller one (again, the older version, the SX110IS), but opted for the larger one as it had a better lens and the option of an external flash.

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If you're also planning on LEGO stop-motion, be sure to have a good camera. I have istop-motion. there's only a few cameras compatible with it.


Otherwise, good for a good camera. I have no more advice.

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I myself use a Canon Powershot SX200IS. It's perfect: you can use it as a simple point-and-shoot, or you can get a bit more advanced with it. It takes great shots either way. Amazon has it for $254, but it's well worth it IMO.
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Note that as your megapixels get pretty high, it won't matter much and you're better off looking for higher ISO at a decent mp level

This is really true. Unless you plan on printing posters of your photos, you don't need anything higher than 4MP or so. Anything else is really just overkill. So if all you're planning on using it for is get-togethers and Lego/toy photography, get something decent and cheap, and ignore the MP.

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I can understand that. What with having to always scale down and crop photos of MOCs anyway.

But the market is up to 12 and 14 MP now, maybe 10 still somewhere. Though I also heard that with some cameras you can control how many MPs are used, saving file size (and time after).



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Though I also heard that with some cameras you can control how many MPs are used, saving file size (and time after).

Yeah, I think most camera are that way. If you get one that has a high MP count, you should be able to set it so it doesn't use all of them.



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