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C3 2010: Day One, Morning Exhibits Part One




Hello, all, and welcome to the first ever C3 Conference. There's a plenthora of announcements to be made this year, from future plots, to new graphics, and not to mention the return of several old series that many have been waiting for.

Also, just as a note: I realized that I released this a little late here on BZP. So, for this year only, we're going to further extend the deadline to the last day of the conference: Thusday, July 22nd, 2010. The reason is that many people heard about it too late to create an entry. Thus, I'm giving them a little leave time to do so. Again, this was only because I released everything so late, however, once the conference is over, it's over, so get in your entries quick.

So, without further ado, let's start on the first exhibits:

Yes, Kanohi of Comedy is also at the C3. I, Chosen One of Bionicle, author of this series, have prepared a nice amount of previews, glimpses of upcoming projects and changes to the series, as well as a few story spoilers, together with an important announcement at the end of this article.

1.) The Third Dimension

I had to find out while making the last few comics that converting my imagination to a .png file is harder than expected. My old Fireworks+Paint method will not work on this. My skills of making authentic backgrounds and characters are limited. Sprites are no longer enough for me. So I have decided to go a step further:


For real now, I'm experimenting with a 3D program called Cinema 4D, which I was able to obtain. Now you probably want to see the fruits of my labor.


I will experiment with 3D images further. In a hopefully not to distant future, this will be the standard of every comic.

2.) The Vectors

Until I am able to master 3D, however, I plan to do a temporary “bridge” between sprites and 3D:

Vector Art

Vector Art


Turaga and Toa bodies will be done later.

Note, all of this is still experimental. It's the WIP of a prototype. Changes will be made in the future. You will see the final result in future comics.

3.) The Story

Yes, the story. The plot. The stuff of comics. Regarding that, I've two announcements to make.

See, in the last months, circumstances appeared which kept me away from doing comics. This however, left me with one thing: Time to think. I used it to flesh out the story, and I have come to the opinion that this story can't be described by “Kanohi of Comedy”. So, I am announcing that somewhere in the hopefully not too far future, my comics will undergo a name change. They'll get a name that fits much more to the story I plan.

The Chosen One Chronicles

I'll just throw that into the room:


That's all I'm going to say on that matter. For now.

For further insight on the future of my comics, I suggest visiting my blog during premier week, where additional and expanded articles will be released.
Thanks for reading,




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I know...that's very weird, really. I posted the thing, but nothing came up. I'm PMing someone for help, but any immediate suggestions are welcome.



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Yeah, cool it's up and everything, but I thought you said six exhibits at morning and six at night


Here's one


Whatever anyways the 3D stuff here sounds pretty cool, I'll probably take a look at this Topic...






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Yeah, cool it's up and everything, but I thought you said six exhibits at morning and six at night


Here's one


Whatever anyways the 3D stuff here sounds pretty cool, I'll probably take a look at this Topic...






There were less entries because I released this late, so I had to lessen the number of entries released each day.



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The 3D is awesome. I would defiately do something different with the grassy texture off in the distance, but overall quite nice.

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I couldn't help but think about the 3DS when you first introduced your 3D graphics.


Anyway, the 3D buildings certainly do look shway. When this comes out, I'll be sure to take a look.

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Sure looks interesting. The last picture looks the The Chilli God, though.


Not much I have to say, but I do look forward to seeing the 3D works, as I have enjoyed those of Maphrox. So this should be interesting.



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Note: Due to a lack of entries and the lateness of the hour, there will be no evening exhibit for today.



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What does that make the schedule now?(I'll assume it won't be three morning exhibits and that's it, cause I highly doubt only three people signed up)


Yo this thing's gone all wiggidy-wiggidy-wack


Oh and by the way, I really don't want to start getting annoying cause I feel like I am, but I just wanted to make sure you knew Part two of yesterday never went live-- I click on the link in your sig and it says I'm not authorized to see it. Not sure if you knew that or not, just pointing it out in case...






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So this was the only exhibit for the 20th?

Or did I miss something?


Anyway, I'm liking the 3-D concept, COOB.

The matoran's design looks decent, but the body seems a bit too bulky in the torso.


Keep up the 3-D work, looks really interesting.

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Part Two never went...




Man, I need to get used to this blog thing. I wondered why nobody was commenting on them...


Well, it's up now.



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Whatever anyways the 3D stuff here sounds pretty cool, I'll probably take a look at this Topic...

Thank you.


The 3D is awesome. I would defiately do something different with the grassy texture off in the distance, but overall quite nice.

Thanks. Note that this picture was made one or two months ago, and that I've learned some things since then. Just today I made an upgraded version of this scene.


3D will be a sight to behold. Good luck getting everything ready!

Thank you. That will still take a few months of training, however.


Anyway, the 3D buildings certainly do look shway. When this comes out, I'll be sure to take a look.

Well, theorethically, it is out already. I just haven't upgraded to 3D yet.


Sure looks interesting. The last picture looks the The Chilli God, though.



Anyway, I'm liking the 3-D concept, COOB. The matoran's design looks decent, but the body seems a bit too bulky in the torso.

Yeah, as I already said, it's still the first version. Making the final version will still take lots of work.


And I don't even want to think about 360° poses.


- - - - - - - - - -


1.) For those of you who haven't noticed yet, the 3D picture is also a link to a folder full of other 3D pics. It's not public yet, however, but be sure to check it out when it is.


2.) As I said already, I'm releasing an expanded version of this article in my blog. Anyone interested should check it out.


3.) Thanks to everyone who replied :).

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