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Turakii #1 Lavasurfer








I shall now release the cure!


For Turakii: You're already cured, remember? I said for you to read that PM for you to be cured, and it worked! Those "..."s up in your subtitle are not real ellipses. They're all from your imagination.


For members other than Turakii and Po:


Repeat aloud the bold sentence: I no longer have the Ellipses Plague.


For Po:


Exile yourself from Mongooses for 70 years.


Good luck, Po. :P


No. Po must stop eating bacon for a week to be cured.

All right, you guys with ellipses...do what the wise Doctor said...he knows what he's talking about...


I think...





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I'm the sole person to not be affected by ellipses. I can use them whenever I want... see? Those right there were on purpose!


Maybe the cure is in me. Like, I have a gene that makes me resistant.

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An ellipse is a squashed circle. :P

Really, though, it's another word for an oval.


Ellipses, however, in this context, are the famous "dot dot dot" punctuation mark that is used to represent a pause, or an omission of words that have no bearing on the point being expressed.



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That's the dictionary definition of an ellipsis. This "Ellipses Plague" is an entirely different bird. It places ellipses in random places, as well as in the places of commas and periods.


Hey, you kids are all laughing at this, but I've seen adults who actually write that way. Every sentence ends with an ellipsis. It's like they never complete any thought. And it's even worse when they write in ALL CAPS.


Toa Macku

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I no longer have the Ellipses Plague.


Yay! It worked! I'm not speaking with ellipses anymore!


Hm... what should I do now... to celebrate...



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Yes! My cure is working! But I said Digital Ellipses not "Ellipses Plague". But it still works the same.




EDIT: oops, I wrote in black, instead of Green.

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No, no disease of ellipses,,, just commas,,,.

Yep,,, it's worse then ellipses. But even worse than that,,, is the dreaded,,,,

Rectangle'''''''' Disease'''''''''!

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None of those were an ellipsis, BTW...


*Darn! I'm infected!...*





I can't use elipses!!!




Oh...never mind.

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Ellipses are quite harmless when used moderately, but when one has nothing better to do than sit at the computer all day using ellipses after every single word in their sentence, those are the ones most vulnerable to the plague. It becomes somewhat like an addiction. Once they start, it can be months, even years for some, before they get tired enough of it to stop. However, I think most people are pretty immune to it. Sometimes they fall under the influence of ellipses when exposed to the plague, but after leaving the contaminated area, it begins to wear off.


If you take a look at my blog, you'll see that even I use ellipses. (But only moderately.)



You'll also notice that this lengthy comment has no ellipses whatsoever. :D

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