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Nostalgia And Reminiscence

Lazzy the Spazzy


So, after sending someone a PM, the content of that message prompted me to try to figure out how to get to a list of my previous topics...


It took a while, but first I stumbled onto the subscriptions page, containing the only topic I ever actually subscribed to -- the Covenant of the 13. It's an epic by Wolf Eyes (sadly no longer active), and it's a great read. I'm still rereading it, so I have no idea if she ever actually finished, but anyway.


So, I finally wound up in my topics list. It actually took up two pages. It had every topic I've ever started, every story I've ever written, every RPG I've ever run.


Wow. Can someone say nostalgia? (rhetorical question, don't actually say it)


But man, I just started scrolling through those topics...one thing led to another and I was skimming through old epics I'd read, such as Nid's Arachniphobia (about Nidhiki's missing years).


It really reminded me of how much I had experienced at BZPower...fitting for the reminder to come at a time when we're all celebrating this site's ninth birthday. But wow, four years passed by really quickly. I still remember the exact thoughts in my head as I typed up some of those stories...I even recognized a quote I pulled from real life, a few days before I actually wrote the story I put the quote in.


But enough of that. I hope you didn't mind suffering through an old member's boring reminiscence...


I guess what I really got out of this was that I realized how little I wrote as time went on. There was actually this one instance back in 2006, where I wrote two stories in the span of 15 minutes. Where did that prolificness (I know that's not the right noun, but bear with me) go? How did I go from that to one story a year? I should start writing more. Maybe keep better track of my time, make better use of it. We human beings can get a lot done if we use time management properly.


Well, that's it. Just thought I'd share my thoughts with you all, if anyone's listening reading out there.


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How... I did this exact same thing like... maybe two hours ago. (Though I was rereading a bit of Trapped, one of the first epics I ever read on this site... lol, I even remember doodling the scenes in notebooks when I was bored back in the sixth grade)


The writing thing is what I noticed, a long while ago I was able to write maybe two SS's a week, but now, I've been rather lucky to write one in half a year. (Not even done with my Varian entry... which I started the last day of June)


Though, I also miss a lot of the old, closed/dead TBRPG's that used to be on the site. Miss quite a good chunk of them, actually.

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Heh, guess I wasn't the only one affected by the ninth-anniversary-nostalgia. Yeah, I don't know...actually seeing what used to be, that's really, how do you put it. Kind of makes me sad, really. We've been here so long, and so much has changed.

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