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To Con Or To Comic-con?

Lazzy the Spazzy


Never thought I'd see the day. CNN just did an article on their website about Comic-Con. That's right, Comic-Con made it into a mainstream media news site.


I've never actually been to a Comic-Con myself, but I've heard enough over the years to know that it used to be exclusive to us geeks. According to the article, over the past few years more and more mainstream stuff has been making it into Comic-Con; last year, people reportedly were not able to get into the panels they wanted because the Twilight panel was flooded with kids and their moms.


At the very least I think it's clear that without such mainstream panels as Twilight in the Comic-Con, geeks like us would have more space to just browse the panels we like. Now, apparently, it's becoming less of a geek-exclusive even and more of a commercialized one.


Like I said, I've never actually been to one myself, so I have no idea if these changes are factual. Today being the first day of this year's Comic-Con IIRC, I was hoping to get other opinions from whoever is at the Comic-Con or has been to one. Has Comic-Con really changed these past few years? If so, by how much, and are the changes a good or bad thing? Should Comic-Con change even more, in organization or otherwise, to accommodate these chances?

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