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Why See Inception?



This is spoiler free. :)


Christopher Nolan's latest film, Inception, is full of mind tricks and suspense, a quick-paced plot and an array of characters. It deals not just in the real world, but focuses majorly on the dream-world, where anything is possible. It's a thriller, with a little bit of sci-fi and some drama. Most of all, it is smart. If that type of movie just happens not to be your cup of tea, oh well, but I think many will enjoy all it has to offer. You'll be second guessing yourself throughout the whole thing, and even after. I've been thinking about it all day (I saw it last night) and have been playing devil's advocate with those ideas, those "what if" moments.


The people in it are amazing as well. Of course, it is written by Christopher Nolan, who, if you have seen his movies like The Prestige, The Dark Knight, and, though I have not seen it and only give it as reference, Momento, you will know to be great at making twisting movies who's plots change in ways you would not see coming. The same goes for Inception, where right as you think you have it figured out, the story morphs into something unpredictable.


Then there is the cast, who are unfaltering talented. Plenty of famous (or not so well known) actors and actresses to get you even more excited for the film.


Finally, Hans Zimmer conducts the score, which I downloaded and listened feverishly to a week before seeing the movie, so I could hear all the ups and downs of the music before seeing the movie, so I could appreciate it more when I heard it in the film itself.


Most of all though, is the story. It is what you came to see the movie for, after all. As said, Nolan knows how to weave ideas together that make the story deep, yet easy to follow. It is an enjoyable movie that will not give a headache, but leave you smiling as the credits start because you know you have just seen a good, nay, an amazing movie.


You owe it to yourself to see this movie, if you see one movie this summer. This year. This decade. It will change your view on what makes a good movie.


-CF :kakama:


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you know, I think ELLEN PAGE is enough of a reason to see it.


but in all seriousness, it was such an amazing film in every single way. I can't say enough good things about it.



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whoa there, i get the idea you liked it then


I could have seen it yesterday, and instead I saw The Sorcerer's Apprentice. Which was good, but I felt like it was a mashup of different movies, with little-to-no original content. Except (as far as I'm aware) the scene where he made music.


Nevertheless, it pulled it off and was entertaining. Just not particularly novel. It was one of those movies, if you know what I mean. XD But I like Nicolas Cage and he was wearing a fedora for half the film so w/e

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Yeah, I saw that a few days ago as well, and while not a really good movie, it is more than just a good movie. Entertaining, and you could have made worse choices.


In the end I think it was fun and I'm glad I saw it. (I posted a review in a blog entry a few days ago...)



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