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Oh Hey



Hey guys. It's been a looooooong time. Over 4 months. ._." I keep meaning to renew my premier membership, but I never got around to it. I guess I'll brag about my life now.


How come no one told me I could use my blog again for a week?


Took the ACT way back in month of... the spring, and I'd say I did quite well. Just wish I had gotten a 35 on my grammar section, so I could have gotten that 36. Lol jk I love my 35.


Took the AP English Language and Composition and AP Psychology tests. I got a 3 and a 5 respectively.


Back in early May I got myself a new girlfriend. (Thinking about how that went down, I now remember that I took the ACT in late April)


Managed to get the straight As I need for my four-year plan. That was pretty dicey since I almost got a B in English. At the end, I was .18% from a B, and that was after reminding the teacher he owed me extra credit and doing an extra assignment.


Since school ended I've had some fun. Went to see Amery, The Secret Handshake, Sing it Loud, Every Avenue, and some other band at a show a few weeks ago. That was pretty awesome. On a similar note, that Motion City Soundtrack concert I mentioned a couple entries below was all kinds of awesome. Going to see them again on Halloween. (That concert actually introduced me to Sing it Loud, and they're the only reason I went to the other concert)


I had some cousins from India living with me for a month or so. Having 7 extra people in your house gets kinda crazy, and sleeping on the couch isn't so bad.


Got The Force Unleashed and Arkham Asylum (FINALLY @ both) for the PS3, and they were both pretty cool. I did Arkham Asylum on Hard, so it took me a while, but it was still fun. ^__^


I won't be going to Brickfair (sadly), but I will probably end up sending a few things.


Went to BrickWorld on the public days. It was pretty cool, plus I got to see Ecto again.


Visited Northwestern University on Wednesday. It was a pretty good experience. If you're considering journalism, definitely check into it. It's too bad I'm not.


Been spending a lot of time on Skype chatting with real friends, which is probably why you haven't seen me much on AIM or MSN. *shrug*


White Collar new season. <3


Psych new season. <333333


Steve Carell leaving The Office. ):<


Saw Iron Man 2, Get Him to the Greek, and Inception. Didn't like Get Him to the Greek, even though some parts were funny. Inception was well made, but the plot wasn't my thing. Iron Man 2 was pretty cool.


I guess if I think of anything else to blog about, I'll do it later this week. I hope you enjoyed the flashback episode of my blog.


Hope things go well tomorrow. Wish me luck! (Even though no one but Dorek knows what I'm talking about)



Recommended Comments

Lakaaa you really should renew your PMship, I enjoyed reading your blog =O

this this THIS


especially since if you do I will have more opportunities in which to approve because apparently I HAVEN'T :o

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