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How come whenever somebody else makes an "Ask Me!" entry, it's wildly popular, but whenever I make one, nobody cares? XP

Bad timing, probably.


Who's your favorite Ninja Turtle and why?

Donatello, because he was the coolest, and because his bandanna was purple. But the best Ninja Turtles character ever was Krang.


Why is it that HH's question is inaccurate, as she says "whenever somebody else", despite the fact that I am somebody else, and mine are never "wildly popular"? Is she ignorant, or just exaggerating?

See DeeX's post


Why is it that HH's question is inaccurate, as she says "whenever somebody else", despite the fact that I am somebody else, and mine are never "wildly popular"? Is she ignorant, or just exaggerating?

perhaps she meant "somebody" as in a specific person, yet not wanting to name names?

She was referring to you, I bet! :P


Why is it that HH's question is inaccurate, as she says "whenever somebody else", despite the fact that I am somebody else, and mine are never "wildly popular"? Is she ignorant, or just exaggerating?

perhaps she meant "somebody" as in a specific person, yet not wanting to name names?

LOL it's you!



Moooommm, that's not a question. :(


How does it feel being grounded?

>: (


Six is the worst dad ever.

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Can't you just, like, sneak out or something?

Maybe if I had a really good friend, maybe someone named Jennifer, who could help me escape my punishment...

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Why is it that HH's question is inaccurate, as she says "whenever somebody else", despite the fact that I am somebody else, and mine are never "wildly popular"? Is she ignorant, or just exaggerating?

perhaps she meant "somebody" as in a specific person, yet not wanting to name names?

LOL it's you!



Moooommm, that's not a question. :(

Augh you know well ...


When I come visit next week, how about we work on repealing this grounding? :D

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When I come visit next week, how about we work on repealing this grounding? :D

Please yes!


How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Eighteen board-feet


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This is confusing. Are B6 and HH your parents or not :wacko:?



Black Six is my terrible father and Hahli Husky is my awesome mother.

Of what relation to you are Dimensioneer, Bionicle Rex, and Binkmeister?



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This is confusing. Are B6 and HH your parents or not :wacko:?



Black Six is my terrible father and Hahli Husky is my awesome mother.

Of what relation to you are Dimensioneer, Bionicle Rex, and Binkmeister?



To my knowledge, I'm not consanguineous to any of them. I've met Bionicle Rex and ridden in the back seat of his car, but I have not met D or Bink.

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This is confusing. Are B6 and HH your parents or not :wacko:?



Black Six is my terrible father and Hahli Husky is my awesome mother.

Of what relation to you are Dimensioneer, Bionicle Rex, and Binkmeister?



To my knowledge, I'm not consanguineous to any of them. I've met Bionicle Rex and ridden in the back seat of his car, but I have not met D or Bink.

That's quite interesting. I imagined Black Six would be related to them, and thus you would have been as well.


Oh, and did you by any chance receive an electric guitar MOC in the mail recently, Smeag?



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That's quite interesting. I imagined Black Six would be related to them, and thus you would have been as well.

Nah; to my knowledge, his parents (who are my grandparents) are not BZPower members and are in fact only vaguely aware of Bionicle- and BZPower-related things.


Oh, and did you by any chance receive an electric guitar MOC in the mail recently, Smeag?

I did, but not yours. I'll let you know when yours arrives, as you requested.

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Oh, and did you by any chance receive an electric guitar MOC in the mail recently, Smeag?

I did, but not yours. I'll let you know when yours arrives, as you requested.

Okay, thank you for that. It's somewhat odd that it hasn't arrived yet, since UPS tells me it was delivered yesterday, but I'm sure it will arrive eventually.



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