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C3 2010: Final Day Part Two



The Impossibles by Kahinuva and Maphrox

There has been a sort of line drawn between 2D and 3D comics. On one hand, you have a fully adjustable background, a variety of poses, and a kind of awe-inspiring quality that you really cannot get anywhere else. On the other, you have a much easier and efficient way of making a comic, while also giving off a distinct graphic style that 3D comics cannot hope to capture. On one you have meticulous modeling, long render times, modeling accuracy complaints, and more of a time space between each comic. On the other, you have limited poses, less quality, fewer and less flexible backgrounds, and little realism.

However, there is still another way. One that could utilize the flexibility and awe of rendered 3D while avoiding the complaints of the modeling and shortening comic times. One that could combine both sprites and 3D to create a new type of graphic style, one never before seen in a fully-launched comic series.

Kahinuva and Maphrox proudly present:


In the far off island of Engima Isle, mutants with extraordinary powers have begun to slowly spring up all around the island. Seeing great profit in them, numerous independent companies and nations have tried to get their hands on the citizens. Refused by the government, they then decide to hire kidnappers, terrorists, and assassins, desperate to discover what exactly makes these certain Matoran special.

To counteract this, the government has assembled a group of Matoran specially trained to combat whatever may try to harm the mutants: a teleporting uber-genius, a darkened former soldier, a wielder of a Cosmic force, and a young psionic. Together, they stand as a unequaled force to protect their island.

Polymath. Cowman. Vor. Kinesis.

They are the Impossibles.

(First look at the style that will be produced in this series.)

(A mockup of the Impossible's Airship)


Tavakai: The Movie by Tavakai


After being submerged in Energized Protodermis, VakamaTK finds himself to be...changed. And it's not the change you'd expect from Energized Protodermis. No, this was as if his old appearance simply slipped of and revealed the new one beneath. Perhaps he isn't from Metru Nui after all--he can't be sure about anything about him anymore--not even his own name.


Along with a few friends, VakamaTK sets of on a journey to discover his home island. Little does he know of the dangers that face him--a storm on the seas, a volcano, a tribe of savages, and an enemy he never expected.


But at the end of this journey, VakamaTK will remember who he was, and who he will be forever afterward...


(I have other stuff I'm working on too, but there's only so much you can get ready at the last minute)


When Dark709 released his first movie, the event was also marked by the first game based on a comic series: “Dark709’s Comics: The Movie: The Game”, by the great designer Leppy. While being a fantastic game in itself, it also got comic makers to think in a sort of rut that all games based on a comic series would have to be platformers.

So, from then on, all such games were planned to be mostly platformers. Of the very few that actually got a working demo, the physics and the gameplay were merely the same kind that Dark709’s had used all those years ago.

However, one day, Kahinuva was playing Earthbound and realized something. The whole purpose of comics was to tell a story in pictures. So why were there so many comic games based on platformers, when it would make more sense to tell a story with the medium, perhaps doing an RPG?

And so he pitched the idea to his fellow comic makers, the ICC, and, for the first time, an RPG was made from the humble beginning of a comic series.


While mainly based on Taone Nui and Kahinuva’s series, “Live, Learn and Lawsuits”, the Taone Nui Offline Game (or TNOG as it was more commonly called) was made to focus on a story that would include the whole ICC universe as well. The game’s story progresses with its tongue firmly placed in its cheek, providing a wry humor that takes after the game’s inspiration, Earthbound. Numerous characters, locations, and enemies all tell a serious story while still parodying the many stereotypes that populate our world.

The new levels themselves have been going well; here are some work-in-progress screenshots of the LLL Towers level:



We hope to have a playable chapter available next month, in which you will see all of what we've been cooking up for this thus far.


Aaaaaand, that's a wrap, folks. Thanks for joining us for C3 2010, and we hope to see you next year.

So long for now.



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For the record, I did make this right after the other post. Unfortunately, it got posted as a draft and not a published post.


So anyhow, it's up now.



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The Impossibles looks to be made of win.

Tavakai looks to be made of pastry.

TNOG looks to be made of ICC stew.

That is all.

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I could've sworn Tav's Movie already had an exhibit somewhere here...


So Impossibles looks shway, and TNOG, although I'm part of the staff, certainly does look great, considering I haven't seen those screen shots. You could've told me you were gonna have me in there, though, so I could've finished my sprites and not give me a creepy smile. :P

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Aw man


Not gonna lie, I was very disappointed when I saw that Kahi didn't break into a nice big musical number to mark the end of the C3


That was the part I was most looking forward to :(


Oh, yeah, the stuff;


The Impossibles looks veddy nahs, interesting concept with the 2.5D kinda thing


Maybe this paired with the Kanohi of Comedy stuff just might start a trend of Comic Makers learning 3D Modeling and doing stuff like this; The story's interesting too, so I'm looking forward to this


I am very, very excited for Tavakai's movie cause it's not about another freakin war


The ICC game looks nice, I might attempt to try it but I'm using a Mac so it probably won't run anyway; Looks worth trying to get it to work, at least


Nice showing this year; Can't wait for next year(Kahi get your song ready now)






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