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So Long And Thanks For All The Fish



Hey dears! You may have noticed that I am -never- on BZP and I really don't pay attention to my messages or the forums. A lot of that is just me being a busy highschooler, but it's also cuz BZP just doesn't really hold my interest anymore. I love you guys but it's time for me to move on. My BZP premiership is going to run out soon, and I've decided that it's pointless to renew it, seeing as I rarely blog or do anything else that requires premiership.


I keep telling myself I'll eventually come up with some Bionicle art to post here, or I'll write a fic or somesuch, but really, I know that's not true. In the chance I did create something, it wouldn't get any recognition anyway, and it's just pointless and frustrating for me.


I'm not a total goner...I will check up here every once in a blue moon, see what's happenin'. But I guess this is mostly goodbye. I keep in touch with some of you outside of BZP and will continue doing so, and I will also definitely continue to be around in other venues. If you want to see what I'm up to, I'm on deviantART on a regular basis, and my account there is talebringer.deviantart.com. (I dunno if you are allowed to mention this site on BZP so QUICK HURRY LOOK BEFORE IT'S GONE.)


Anyhoo, hope everyone's had a good summer (better than mine, anyway xD)! This coming year is going to be nuts for me, but I'm determined to enjoy it, even if it means "officially" leaving this site, on which I've had lots of fun and made some wonderful friends, some of which I hope will be lifetime friends. And even if they don't turn out to be, I'll be eternally grateful to have had the opportunity to meet them because of BZP. :)


Peace out,



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even though I see you all the time on msn/da (sorta?) it will be sad without you and you amazingtastic blog. *big hug*


pffftt recognition. Draw whatcha you want to draw!

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Guest kopakanuva13


It's been nice knowing ya, Raia, even if we haven't really talked in quite a while =P



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