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Rant On The Non-spoken "l-y"



Yay, it's my first rant! :happydance:


*throws confetti*


Some of you may have no idea what the title suggests, actually most of you don't, that's why I'm explaining it. Got it? :P


How would you normally say the following phrase? "Give me the ball, quick!" or "Give me the ball fast"? Actually neither are true, it's suppossed to be, "Give me the ball quickly".


Here's another one. "Jack runs slow" or "Jack runs slowly"? Of course you know what it really is, it's, "Jack runs slowly".


My point is is that most of the time we don't use "l-y" in our speech, and not just in these instances, no, but in many more than these, we're just too lazy to just say it, "l-y". We've done bad.




Uh, I mean "badly". :P


So there it is, my silly rant, laugh at it if you will, but I like it. :lol:


More rants coming soon...





EDIT: Um yeah, Shine is smarter than I am. :P


EDIT 2: So yeah, ToM is smarter than I am too. :P Basically, everyone can ignore this rant, since it wasn't presented in the right manner.


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Actually I believe "Give me the ball, quick." is also correct.




Because if you switch the phrase around you can't say "Quick, give me the ball."




Wait...you can!?! :???:


Ah well, this rant has been exploited, good luck next time. :P





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...And actually "fast" is both an adjective and an adverb, so "Give me the ball fast" is perfectly correct. :P


But your point is valid. I hate it when people use an adjective where an adverb belongs...

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All this makes perfect sense, and I agree with it. Perhaps the reason for this terrible grammar error is that a lot of us (meaning *coughmyselfcough*) prefer rambling three or four extra sentences for clarification over typing/saying two extra letters.


But next time, make sure you rant longer. Then you can drive more people crazy. :P




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...And actually "fast" is both an adjective and an adverb, so "Give me the ball fast" is perfectly correct. :P


But your point is valid. I hate it when people use an adjective where an adverb belongs...

liek homg ToM posted in my blog! :P


Yeah, my point is valid, but it's wasn't presented the right way. ;)

All this makes perfect sense, and I agree with it. Perhaps the reason for this terrible grammar error is that a lot of us (meaning *coughmyselfcough*) prefer rambling three or four extra sentences for clarification over typing/saying two extra letters.


But next time, make sure you rant longer. Then you can drive more people crazy. :P





Longer rant, got it. :D




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