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I have not yet made a blog entry about BrickFair '10 because there was too much awesome to physically fit into this blog.


And also because I have not yet had enough sleep.


But I would like to link to a few things relating to the awesomeness of BrickFair and attempt to break my own previous statement pertaining to physics (I'm not so good at science anyway):


Hahli Husky's BrickFair Shoutouts


The Awesome Steve Witt gets promoted to Forum Mentor post-BrickFair


Nuju Metru's BrickFair thanks and stuffeths


ToM's list of awesome people and notes to said peeps


Bionicle Raptor has pictures to show and t-shirts to talk about


Vezok's Friend recounts good times with the peeps he met


ChocolateFrogs has a few blog entries on the subject


Primus here captured some of the crown-jewel moments. Pun intended.


And here, Deevs takes over Nukaya's blog entry... or something... but yes, the squeaking WAS adorable.


Smeag lists his many thoughts and it is good


Looks like I owe two or three people that tortellini recipe! I'm glad y'all like my cooking, guys. :D I LOVE cooking and can't wait to cook for y'all again. Srsly.


Okay, tired now, moar later~


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Thanks for collecting all these. I just have no idea when I'll have time to read through them all. And then I still have to write up my own thoughts! Drat that darn job thing...

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Oh I will have that recipe; it's either that or you come to Oklahoma to cook it for me, and I'm willing to bet you know enough about Oklahoma to never want to do that.

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