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Review: Mega Bloks Cyan Spartan



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At first I was going to put this review in my blog, but since this topic was a lot more mainstream- guess what? I'm putting it here. Too bad for you, MB haters (This is partially your fault, Bunda :P).


So. Mega Bloks Halo Wars. The license that was met with much dread and controversy from Lego fans. But that didn't matter, Mega Bloks now had something that could fight against Lego Star Wars. It's been pretty successful so far, but to what extent?


I don't know. What I do know is that I received an exclusive MB Spartan today in the mail, and I intend to make an unbiased review of it as possible. It also helps that I know very little about the Halo storyline, so don't expect too many geeky ramblings. So, what exactly is this thing? Read on.



From the design of the box to the instruction manual, these are the first things you see before building the set.




The "box" is nothing more than a normal-sized envelope. It's slightly bulging due to the contents inside. The thing is thin cardboard, don't expect any bubble wrap or the like.


The cover is very similar to that of the MB Steel Spartan, another promotional figure (but you had to pay for that one). The Spartan stands ready, aiming his pistol at some unknown threat in whatever wasteland his background is. It's not too flashy (aside from the limited edition sign), but it wasn't meant to be in the first place since it was mailed out to people who hadn't even seen the box.




The back displays the other Halo sets released during the season, along with the typical warnings. Nothing else to say here.



Half the fun is had building the set. How fun is it to build and how easy or challenging is it?


So I open the envelope.





Everything in there is neatly bagged, and surprisingly secure and undamaged. I tear it open, along with the Spartan's bag inside of it. Along with the pieces, there's a piece of paper.





Unlike its Steel Spartan counterpart, there is no certificate. Instead, we just get some warnings and a small ad for other Mega Bloks toys. So let's move to the pieces:




We get two pistols; a display brick; and of course, the figure. The figure is counted as one piece (even though it's actually made up of 14 pieces), which may be surprising for people who haven't bought any MB sets in a while. If you can't tell already, there really isn't a "build", which is to be expected from a figure pack.


Set Design

Now that the set is complete, we can critique how it looks from every angle. New or interesting pieces can also be examined here.




Oh my god. The details. I did not know you could do that much engraving and painting on a 2-inch minifigure and mass produce it. If I didn't know any better, I would've thought that everything on here was done by hand. After looking through several real-game Spartan pics, I'd say this is a very accurate figure. The quality is surprisingly high, so you won't have to worry about paint or parts chipping off. The best part? It's proportionate. Pretty scary for a minifig.




On the left is a Neo from the large Neo-Shifter figures, and on the right is a 2010 Space Policeman. The Spartan is definitely the most detailed of the bunch.


There is some "dirt" painted on the armor to make it look more realistic. It contrasts well with the bright cyan armor, but I can't imagine it looking as good with the darker figures.


The camo display brick is just a dirty green brick (the "camo" is done poorly here). The pistols are nice accessories, and from what I've heard; very hard to find.



The other half of the fun is in playing with the set. How well does the set function and is it enjoyable to play with?


Let me remind you guys here- this is not a Lego minifigure. It's more than a display piece, because guess what? It's a mini action figure. This thing has 12 points of articulation. Neck, shoulders, elbows, hands, waist, hips, and knees. You read that right. For something sculpted with such high quality, one wouldn't actually expect it to be that poseable and not break. But it is. And it looks good while posing.




The only gripe with the articulation is the lack of any ankle movement. This hinders the legs to stand still in an area of no more and no less than 3 studs. It's not a big deal, but I consider it a downgrade since the Neo had ankle articulation and this doesn't.


There are worries about the joints being loose, but don't be. The one I have has fairly strong joints. Certainly better than that of the Neo's.


Final Thoughts

Once it's all said and done, how does the set stack up? Should I get it?


First of all, the thing was a free promotion. You didn't have to pay anything to get it. So if you don't have the Spartan in cyan by now and want it in that color, then off to Ebay with you.


Generally speaking though, the MB Spartan is a great design regardless of any color. It's much more playable and displayable than a Lego minifig, and surprisingly high quality to boot. MB has something here, and while I haven't tested any of the vehicles to recommend them, I highly recommend the MB Spartan minifigures.



What's to like?

  • High quality sculpt and paint
  • Very Poseable, especially for something this size
  • Free (but only for a select few)


What's not to like?

  • No ankle articulation
  • "Dirt" effect may not look good on certain dark Spartans
The pros-cons list is, IMO, not the best representation of this. The best way to appreciate this is to have it in-hand.


Now, Lego fans, get ready to be conquered.




Full gallery here.

In the Official Halo Topic.


EDIT: Haha, very funny guys, trying to lower my blog rating because of this review. :P

It's fun to be on the dark side every once in a while.


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lol, thanks guys.


oh-snap today's my 3 year anniversary must make new blog decor of panty and stocking + garterbelt


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