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The Last Airbender

Wrinkledlion X


I'm starting to want to see it. At first when I heard it was bad, I was content to just let my opinion of M. Night Shyamalan die quietly and painlessly, but now... I kind of want to see how far he's fallen. Seriously, his early films were fantastic; how could he deteriorate like this? Did he get some sort of brain damage?


Maybe the twist is that he was a terrible director all along. I dunno.


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People said it was bad? Of course, someone will say that about just about any movie, but the ads made it look awesome. Now I absolutely must see it just to see if these nameless critics are right, 'cuz I love it when they're not. :P

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You need to lurk the blogs more, bones. Pretty much everyone here hated it, as did most critics. For God's sake, they changed the pronunciation of the character's names.
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