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Am leaving for college in a scant few days and am consequently scurrying frantically to pack up and put away my belongings.


Finally threw away almost all of my Bionicle canisters because I wasn't using them.


Was going to say I have too many books, but that is impossible, so let me instead qualify that statement by saying that I have too many books to be lifted by someone who is not the Thing or the Incredible Hulk or somebody. It is possible that smaller bins might have been better, but I think I shall like not having them scattered about.


Have a mother with a warped (dare I say cruel?) sense of humor who just bought me Old Spice deodorant and some kind of shampoo with, and I quote, an "anti-frizz agent." Thanks, Mom.


Found part of a story I wrote ages ago, while going through some old papers. I had thought all extant copies lost or else on an inaccessible hard drive, so that was quite a nice surprise.


Am suddenly sick with aches, chills, and a fever that I really hope go away before my plane flight out Thursday. If they go away by tomorrow that would be even better, because I still have some friends that need saying goodbye to. Hopefully this'll be easy come, easy go and I will stop feeling like my brain is two sizes too large and trying to budge my eyes from their sockets. >_<


Woke up this morning with a strong desire to go to Iceland, probably thanks to the dream I had about a sort of Victorian Gothic version of Reykjavik with narrow cobblestone streets and dark, buttressed buildings contrasted against stark, bright landscapes and the buildings crowded into each other, their almost Escherian staircases and passageways turning into small shops and doors and arches.


Am oddly pleased that my flight stops over in Albuquerque (where the towels are oh so fluffy!) and am looking forward to meeting cool people and, in a couple cases, seeing such people again. :3


Grant me the serenity

To accept the things I cannot change

The courage to change the things I can

And the wisdom to know the difference.


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Maybe the Old Spice will turn you into a Millionaire Jet-Fighter Pilot?


I've been wondering what Albuquerque is like since listening to Weird Al...

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If there is one thing I learned about packing for college: it is that one will probably not touch all the books brought. I brought my manga and some book I liked, and barely touched them. (I was hoping to maybe make some anime friends and we could geek out and such, but that did not happen so I left them at home sophomore year.) My shelves get less filled each year as I bring less stuff because I do not touch it. Now I pretty much have books I need to read, stuff I specifically intend to lend to friends, and a few things I still do not need (like my Bionicle guide books for when I ever write that epic despite there being BS01 for referenced I would need) but have room for.

However, a few Calvin and Hobbes books are always acceptable shelf-space-users.


Good luck packing and I can not wait to hear about your room and college experience and stuff.



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