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Oh No



School starts in less than 11 hours! aaghboom.gif


Where has the summer gone?




So uh. Yeah. Expect my activity to lessen from now on. =P


Also, ready . . . set . . . book suggestions!


I was looking through that old entry of mine, and realized that I still haven't read most of the books people recommended there. Well, I hope to go to a used bookstore soon [book Off], and supposedly they have a lot of books for like a buck each, so I hope to buy a bunch.


- Velox


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I still have like three and a half weeks or something.

Have I recommended The Longlight Legacy by Dennis Foon to you yet? Probably. It's still high on my recommendation list.

- :l: :flagcanada:
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Time Machine (or The Time Machine, I can't remember) by H.G. Wells

Invisible Man by H.G. Wells

War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells

Animal Farm by George Orwell

The White Mountains, The City of Lead and Gold, and The Pool of Fire (The Tripod Trilogy) by John Christopher (Samuel Youd)

When the Tripods Came (Prequel to the Tripod Trilogy) by John Christopher


I think that's it. I enjoyed the books, and I think you would, too.

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I second Animal Farm.

Contact, by Carl Sagan. The movie is also very good.

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, though I'd bet you've already read that.


I don't know if you're in to mythology. If you are, The Hero with a Thousand Faces may be a good read.

Finally, The Book Thief.


I know that I'm forgetting something, so I'll edit this post if I think of it.


~ BioGaia

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Finally, an excuse to see that smiley again. :P


A Cruel Wind by Glen Cook is easily the best book I've ever read. It's a collection of a trilogy he wrote in the late 70s, and it's unlike anything I've read before.

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If you haven't already done it for school, read To Kill a Mockingbird and Lord of the Flies, as well as Fahrenheit 451. Three of my favourite novels I've read in the last few years. Animal Farm won't take you very long, since it's only ninety pages or so, so pick up another one if you're going to read it.


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The White Mountains, The City of Lead and Gold, and The Pool of Fire (The Tripod Trilogy) by John Christopher (Samuel Youd)

When the Tripods Came (Prequel to the Tripod Trilogy) by John Christopher



> 55555


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