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Darknut And Barraki



You know yesterday I got to pick up Mantax and my good friend Pridak. Two words: Pridak owns.


Anyway I'm glad I picked up Mantax. He will be very useful for my Zelda MOCs, that I have planned. Of which I will now reveal.


A Darknut. Picture


I'm not going to say anything else about it. Yet. I can't give away the details of how I'm going to build it. :P




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There are more than one. They are in Hyrule Castle and the Cave of Ordeals. On the second play through you get to fight four of them at once. It is hard.



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There are more than one. They are in Hyrule Castle and the Cave of Ordeals. On the second play through you get to fight four of them at once. It is hard.



Meh, mussed'a missed them. And what's this about a second playthrough?

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Ill be waiting for that MoC, I can see the Mantax pieces being a perfect fit. The sword and armor will be interesting to see when its done. 2 Pridak, I must get them also!

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Isn't there like a gold colored-Darknut? Or am I imagining things again? XD

You ain't. I don't own the game, but who says I can't read strategy guides. XD

Can't wait to see this upcoming moc.


BTW, Do ya think Darknuts are like Iron Knuckles sans the awesomely huge axe? :D



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If you go into the Cave of Ordeals a second time there are more enemies than the first time in the cave.
Yay, a second playthrough... as some of if it weren't a pain the first time. (That's an awesome action shot!) :P


I can't wait to see the Darknut MOC: you'll have to inform me of its completion after you post it. Else, I may not see it.


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM


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Darknuts are better than Iron Knuckles, IMO.


And I only had trouble with the Darknuts the first time... and those Ice guys that throw spears... and the giant things that freeze you.


I'll say that the spin attack is rather useful when facing swarms of enemies the second time.


Of course when I finish the MOC I'll be sure to post a blog entry about it.



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There's a magic meter in the Wi version? :blink: There isn't in the gamecube version... but that's not the point of this entry, is it?


Anyways, I'd love to see how it turns out... and yeah Alku, Darknuts are very similar to Iron Knucles. Darknuts are more awesome though.





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I dearly miss the magic meter, they could have included Din's Fire, elemental arrows, and made the Magic Armor less obnoxious, if they had the magic meter.

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