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Family Dynamics

Inferna Firesword


If other events had not occured, I would be writing about Vampires Suck (which is, from what I could gather, a spoof of Twilight); however, other events have occured, so there you are.


Anyway, my mom had a little accident while out running and seems to have done something to her hamstring, since she can't move her leg without pain. Thankfully, she managed to hobble back home from the site of her tumble (amazingly, no passersby stopped to help her -- thanks for nothing <_<) and I helped her shower, change (helping her in and out of her clothes was awkward, to say the least), and get to the living room couch, where she's been most of the day.


She's alright, so long as she doesn't use her hurt leg, but she's been moaning about how pathetic the incident was. I've been cheering her up by bakeing brownies (chocolate is the cure for everything, in my mind) and informing her she could always embelish the tale ("creative storytelling", as I put it), but the icing on the cake was my walking in on my brother listening to "Eenie Meenie" by Justin Bieber and Sean Kingston -- and he's a Bieber non-fan. :P


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Ya, Vampires Suck is a Twilight spoof. It looks awesome. =D


But, shame about your mom. Pulled/broken hamstrings can stick with you for life. If it doesn't get better, you should definitely see a doctor.

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Well that stinks.

Actually it kind of reminds me of the time my mom fell down the stairs.

Though all I had to put up with was retrieving my dad from their room.

All in all, I think you have it rougher than I did.

Hope your mom gets better!

*Swipes a brownie*

Chocolate is the answer t everything.

BTW, I just looked at The Keeps defenses and where the heck did you get six transformers?

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Well that stinks.

Actually it kind of reminds me of the time my mom fell down the stairs.

Though all I had to put up with was retrieving my dad from their room.

All in all, I think you have it rougher than I did.

Hope your mom gets better!

*Swipes a brownie*

Chocolate is the answer t everything.

BTW, I just looked at The Keeps defenses and where the heck did you get six transformers?


She robbed me!


Or not :P

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