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Ok, for my podcast I need help. User submissions and the sort.


First, I need a question for Shadix. Seriously, anything good [not noobish] will probably air sometime.

Next, I need submissions for the active member who has been on BZP the longest. They have to be normal members (POBZPC down), not any sort of moderator or staff or anything like that.

And if someome wants to do an interview, that'd be great. Only condition is I need the replies PRONTO. Within a day or two.


Can anyone help me?




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NO. My description is trying to be more PROFESSIONAL then other podcasts. Asking about Sesame Street isn't professional.


Have any real questions? :P



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NO. My description is trying to be more PROFESSIONAL then other podcasts. Asking about Sesame Street isn't professional.


Have any real questions? :P




Yeah. Why do you hate Sesame Street :(


PROFESSIONAL = noobish lol

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Because it's a liberal show that KILLED OFF THE COOKIE MONSTER. How could they?? :crying:






I can't dispute the first part because of the political rules. That should be clear enough.


And don't forget, I asked about cheese steaks!

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What are your thoughts on the increasing complexity and change in BIONICLE's story heading towards the end? To clarify, I mean the change from six canisters wash onto a sandy beach to the more fast paced sci-fi esque story, with giant robots fighting and planets crashing into each other.




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What are your thoughts on the increasing complexity and change in BIONICLE's story heading towards the end? To clarify, I mean the change from six canisters wash onto a sandy beach to the more fast paced sci-fi esque story, with giant robots fighting and planets crashing into each other.




I'd say "Yeah, that sounds pretty cannon to me" XD


No, I asked what you would do if you were one.


I couldn't say much at all, as cheese steaks aren't sentient. :P

But I'd hope I'd be yummy :lol:




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