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Inception, Kanohi, And Bioware Dlc



Saw Inception last night. It was more amazing than I expected. Very well done. The music, the plot, and the characters were all amazing. The hotel scene was really trippy. I love Christopher Nolan's movies.


Also, I'm going to be getting a couple of masks very soon. I will be getting the ones circled in red. I FINALLY GET A GOLDEN AVOHKII! Also, I just realized, after this, the only golden mata mask I need is the Hau. I technically already have that with Tahu star and all, but I'd rather have the original.


On a last note: I love Bioware. They're releasing DLC with my Mass Effect lover Liara on September 7th, and on the same day, they're releasing DLC with my Dragon Age: Origins lover Morrigan. I won't be able to play either for awhile, since my xbox broke and I'll probably be getting the limited Reach edition of the new one, but when I get that, I'll be playing Halo Reach. So a few days later, after I finish the Reach campaign and play a bit of multiplayer, Ill be getting this awesome DLC.




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Have you heard about Reach getting pirated and put up on BitTorrent? Microsoft says they'll wield the banhammer on anyone they catch playing it on Live.

im gonna laugh when i meet a hacker on reach

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my Dragon Age: Origins lover Morrigan



And people say I'm crazy for saying Tali is cute. :rolleyes:


reach reach reach

i will never let you live that down

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She is.


Also, how the heck would Reach be Bit Torrented? Seriously, i was under the impression that things like that couldn't be transfered to Comp and then back to Xbox. I don't even think the files are compatable with any PC/Mac programs.

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