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Contest #3 - Canceled



Toxic Waste Contest #3: Home Improvement!


A lot of people think BZP's old, slow, or just downright deficient in a given category. Whether the complaint is on a recent downtime, the "need" to upgrade forum software, and getting a brand-new server. Unfortunately, these are very far-fetched ideas.


Now Black Six has announced an upcoming radical change to BZPower itself, the biggest thing on the site since the merger, it is claimed. No one really knows what this is or is going to be, but it's going to be big.


What is this contest for, you ask?


Simple. Come up with a significant improvement to BZP in an area you think is lacking. No coding necessary. Be sure to make your blueprint for this idea easy to implement and intuitive to use. Oh, and you have a budget of $100 to work with if it involves any hardware.


All ideas should be PMed to me. You can send one idea ONLY. If you mash two separate ideas together in a PM, that's a no-no too.


Entries should be well-written and use proper grammar. I may PM you back to ask you to elaborate on a certain aspect of your idea. Entries will not be DQ'd unless I have a legitimate reason, such as the idea being too far-fetched to work or be implemented easily.


Entry period ends Saturday, September 4th at 11:59 PM EST.

Voting begins Monday, September 6th and ends on Wednesday, September 8th at 11:59 PM EST


What are you waiting for? Start brainstormin'!


This contest has been canceled due to lack of interest.


Recommended Comments

I have an undeniable urge to enter this with something completely insane.


And that urge is gone now, because I feel you wouldn't allow a screenshot of a planned new skin.

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I have an undeniable urge to enter this with something completely insane.


And that urge is gone now, because I feel you wouldn't allow a screenshot of a planned new skin.

I'd allow it! :)

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