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10: A Mysterious Yellow Robot

Kal the Guardian


A yellow robot glanced around the room he was in. Monitors were everywhere, each and every one black and blank. The weird part was that all of their CPUs were whirring furiously as if computing some infinite amount of mathematical problems at once. No one else occupied the room except for him. The metal door, locked behind him, was not going to be easily opened by anyone trying to sneak up on him.


The robot unhooked his two right shoulder cables, eased into a chair, and plugged them into the nearest port. Immediately, a headache set in. One of such proportions the robot had never experienced. Data almost literally rammed into his brain. Gradually, he decreased the amount of bytes being transferred until it reached a reasonable level. Now he could get to work figuring out what was going on.


First things first,


It appeared a group of individuals was trapped/bound/anchored into a virtual world, almost like he was stuck being a robot in the normal scheme of things. They seemed to be free. But, as usual, something didn't seem right. Why were they there?


There, upon further investigation, turned out to be a small town made of crude brick buildings set in some vast desert. A bright yellow sun was present, and he felt parched just accessing the data. The town had various homes, but there appeared to be some rather pointless stores thrown in there, too. Most were just one story with a façade for a second story. Everything seemed to be covered in grit.


There appeared to be meeting/summoning happening in the middle of the town. All the beings with their minds in the world were just standing around in the middle of the road, apparently waiting for something.


A sudden flash a new data hit the robot's brain as a new being appeared in the middle of the group. Someone had just joined the others, and off in the distance, something had changed in the virtual world. Something dark began to approach the group. It was bios away, but it was coming.


The new individual took a step back as another being formed in the middle of the group. A nearby building suddenly seemed more rustic than it had a moment before. Now the robot knew what was going on. Endless Boundaries was adding new "participants" as he sat there. And as the new beings entered the group, their collective imagination changed to include that person's view or ideas. A scary prospect if too many villains joined the mix.



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