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Bonus Points



Current Bonus Point Ranking System


Obscurity: +1 B.P. (MOC was unexpected on my part OR is pretty unknown)


Originality: +1 B.P. (first to recreate a specific MOC OR first to take a specific MOC in a specific Direction)


Extra Difficulty: +3 B.P. (more advanced building techniques were used OR MOC was harder to recreate in a recognizable but different manner)


Unique Parts Usage: +2 B.P. (usage of uncommon parts in interesting ways)


Shaping and Technique: +4 B.P. (MOC achieves a significant amount of flow OR MOC uses a wide variety of techniques to pull off a shape/design)


Building a Toa: -4 B.P. (Come on, anybody can make a Toa. The point is to challenge yourself)


Building a Matoran: -5 B.P. (Matoran are even easier to build than Toa. If you want to build something small, I have plenty of other small MOCs)


Excessive amounts of System: -5 B.P. (I'm being pretty lenient on this, but if it's really obvious that it's predominately System, you're losing some bonus points)



Current Bonus Point Standings (Highest to Lowest)


The Alchemyst: 9

Brickeens: 8

The Lego Obsessionist: 7

Veq: 7

e=mc^2: 7

Zakinto: 6

Sparkytron: 6

Christo: 4

e=mc^2: 3

Lord Oblivion: 2

Ace Rimmer: 2

Czar: 1


So, Bonus Points are not an all or nothing scale, and the scale will adjust as the contest goes on.


Remember, the non-winner with the highest Bonus Points also wins a Prize!


(also, feel free to say which MOCs you feel deserve more points, however, you better have a pretty good justification)


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