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Halo was never amazing to begin with, IMO, and by now it's outlived whatever novelty it once had. I'll be glad when it dies.

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Metroid has less games than either of those series, and actually has like a different story behind each one.


Zelda and Mario generally reuse the same thing. A lot.


Though Other M is a lot like Fusion in everything but lack of X Parasites and the Fusion Suit.

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While I can agree with you on Mario(which constantly annoys me from complete lack of story, and, when it does have one, it's usually really stupid), I can't say that "another bloody" Metroid is correct. Mainly because the gameplay in each has been so different each time that you really can't call any of them the same type of game. And besides, there's only been like, 3 Metroids in the past 4 years(counting Other M). There's been 4 Halos, and 2 or 3 Call of Duties, so I don't see how Metroid is ridiculously overproduced.


While I fully expect Reach to be amazing, I'm getting annoyed at the Halo fanboys that rush onto Metroid topics screaming "REACH oh, I said a leet word - contact a Moderator to take proto from me! METROID AND SAMUS SUX AND ZOMG." They're both great games. Why does it always have to be one or the other?


(note: take a hint from Sonu)



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While I can agree with you on Mario(which constantly annoys me from complete lack of story, and, when it does have one, it's usually really stupid),


Superstar Saga is like, the freaking epic exception to that. B)

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From me? What did I do?

You've been the only person I've ever known to never bash another gaming series.


Anyways, I picked up Other M today at the stores, and it's freaking epic. My only complaint so far is there's these parts where you can't switch out of first person, and you have to stand there and search for like 15 minutes to find some stupid thing, such as a velociraptor-toothed bunny(what the heck is that thing). Other than that, it's good.



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From me? What did I do?

You've been the only person I've ever known to never bash another gaming series.


Anyways, I picked up Other M today at the stores, and it's freaking epic. My only complaint so far is there's these parts where you can't switch out of first person, and you have to stand there and search for like 15 minutes to find some stupid thing, such as a velociraptor-toothed bunny(what the heck is that thing). Other than that, it's good.




The one where you have to find the green blood is the worst.


Also, if you want to know what the 'bunny' is...


» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
It's Ridley. A.K.A. big purple monster. Seriously.
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No, I don't want to know what the stupid bunny is. I WANT TO FIND OUT FOR MYSELF. I DON'T WANT YOUR STUPID SPOILERS.


(aka I didn't click it)


Heading back to a meeting with the other soldiers supposedly. Just beat some weird wood monster that flipped upside down on multiple occasions. I got my butt handed to me by that stupid bomb guardian thingy before I figured out what to do.


EDIT: I think I have it figured out, courtesy of those nonsensical screens you showed me before. The white bunny thing molted into the big hugging purple monster that killed Lyle(which explains the molted shell), which will then molt into (a?) Ridley. Amirite?


If so, Samus deserves to be slapped for not killing it earlier.



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