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For Better Or For Worse

Lady Kopaka


College so far, has been going much better than I expected. Loving my classes, professors, and the workload hasn't been to extreme, so it's a nice transfer from what I'm used to. I'm surprised at how well I'm following everything. Of course, I love reading/studying...but when tests come up, that won't be pretty. Don't get me started on how awesome I am at testing.


But it's done quite a number on me. What's sad is I know it could be way worse, but it doesn't make me feel any better. Today I got so sick I had to reschedule work, and skip my afternoon class. I hope this will be just a one time thing, because if not, it's going to be a rough semester, and I'm so worn out as it is. As much as I hate throwing up, I wish I could force myself just to so I can't get the feeling out of my system. But once I do, my body doesn't know when to stop, and dats no good.


*insert more ranting here*


Okay, icky subject. Um...my kitty is fuzzy and adorable and is sleeping ON MY TABLET GET OFF GIBBS.



Anyway, two questions--I've known I have asked these before, but I promise it'll be the last time.

  • do you guys have suggestions for mp3 players? The reason why I'm being so picky is that any simple brands that are 16GB higher are actually more expensive than things like iPod and Zune, oddly. It's a curse having over 20GB of music. I can't really afford much and since I prefer WMP over iTunes (:cry:), ipods are not my interest, but I'm open to suggestions.
  • about a upcoming Bionicle epic...would you guys prefer A)Glitch sequel? B)Let the Flames Begin sequel C)or something else entirely? I was aiming for the Glitch one, obviously, but I don't want to wear the story/characters out. Either idea has a almost refined plot, but I need to decide on what to focus on the most...
Sleep...sounds wonderful right now...


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Ugh, sorry about the sickness. :( That's no good. FYI, even though I'm not you(really???), I got sick the most my first semester. Was much better the rest of college.


And it's not fair that everyone has kitties. My sisters just got two and now you have one. Ah well.


No mp3 advice since iTunes decided the rest of my life for me when it converted all my files to m4a way back in the day. Curse iTunes!! *shakes fist*


And sleep, yo.

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Ugh, sorry about the sickness. :( That's no good. FYI, even though I'm not you(really???), I got sick the most my first semester. Was much better the rest of college.


And it's not fair that everyone has kitties. My sisters just got two and now you have one. Ah well.


No mp3 advice since iTunes decided the rest of my life for me when it converted all my files to m4a way back in the day. Curse iTunes!! *shakes fist*


And sleep, yo.

Well, with itunes you can convert it back to mp3 or such, so that's always good.

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Ugh, sorry about the sickness. :( That's no good. FYI, even though I'm not you(really???), I got sick the most my first semester. Was much better the rest of college.


And it's not fair that everyone has kitties. My sisters just got two and now you have one. Ah well.


No mp3 advice since iTunes decided the rest of my life for me when it converted all my files to m4a way back in the day. Curse iTunes!! *shakes fist*


And sleep, yo.

Well, with itunes you can convert it back to mp3 or such, so that's always good.

Really? And I've never known that why? *shakes head*


Thanks, you're a lifesaver.


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Glad to hear college is going well for you! (Well, except for, you know...) You mentioned earlier you were commuting? Community college or, for lack of a better term, an "actual" university?

(I have a few commuter friends. It's nice having someone that knows the area.)


As for MP3 players:

-I do not use a Mac or Apple products, really, but I love the User Interface (UI) of the iPod the best compared to other MP3 players I have seen. (Though I guess a Zune would not be bad. It is all about testing them out.) As for iTunes/WMP, I used to love WMP and then moved to Songbird. All I use iTunes for is syncing my iPod.

(Oops, I just realized you said iPods were not in your interest.)

That being said/realized, I have heard plenty good things about Zunes. Almost considered getting one myself. And I think those play WMA!

However, all I know about prices are that you can usually find a cheap, unopened one for sale on Amazon or elsewhere. (But I guess you knew that since you once recommended some tech sites to me.)



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Considering you showed me the Zune's, if that's your thing for WMA's I'd consider getting that fance cover-design for it, that looks so cool. Otherwise, as far as easy use and durability go, I like the iPod classic. It's just that it has that much amount of space that really helps. I mean I have 120 gigs right here in my hand ^^ And now you can even buy it with 160, so that is pretty cool. (It's also my backup in case my HD goes dead and I need my art)


So cool that you're in college now ^^ Glad that you enjoy it too. *hugs* for the being sick...that's never fun. I mean sure you get time off but the classes you chose sound like so much fun plus you just started.


And scratch Gibbs chin for me ;)

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Glad to hear college is going well for you! (Well, except for, you know...) You mentioned earlier you were commuting? Community college or, for lack of a better term, an "actual" university?

A community college. It's a really nice little university, but half the problem is all the driving since I live quite a distance from it. It's really tiring.


Considering you showed me the Zune's, if that's your thing for WMA's I'd consider getting that fance cover-design for it, that looks so cool. Otherwise, as far as easy use and durability go, I like the iPod classic. It's just that it has that much amount of space that really helps. I mean I have 120 gigs right here in my hand ^^ And now you can even buy it with 160, so that is pretty cool. (It's also my backup in case my HD goes dead and I need my art)

Yeah, I like the classics, but they are a bit over my price range. Zune is pushing it too, but I really like them. (but like CF said I'm sure I can find some pretty cheap ones)


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What subjects?

Intro to Visual Arts, History, Developmental Writing, and Developmental Studies (those 'developmentals' were due to my low ACT score). Really not a huge load, but as I said, it's the driving and stuff that tires me out.

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Thought I had replied here . . . Oh, well.


Anyway, as for the epicstuff, I say go for the Glitch sequel, since you seem to want to do that one most. I'm definitely not tired of the characters, nor do I think you'll wear them out. So really it's just up to you -- I'd love to read whatever you come up with.


Moving on to music, I can't really suggest anything other than the iPod as I've never had anything else. I like it, but I'm not a huge listener of music [and when I do I usually use an internet radio site rather than buy stuff for my iPod].


Anyway, good luck in college, Lady K! I don't drive yet, but I know other people like to listen to audiobooks and stuff when driving [and makes it less tedious], so dunno if that'd help you or not -- just throwing that out there.



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Thanks, you're a lifesaver.
I thought she was a gummi bear. :P



Developmental Writing, and Developmental Studies (those 'developmentals' were due to my low ACT score).
Developmental Studies? I've only heard of reading, writing, and math.


I think they make most normal people take them. I knew some really smart people that were good with the stuff they ended up having to take developmental classes for... I had to take developmental math, and nothing I learned (if anything) in that class was even in the placement test I had taken. I even pretty much forgot whatever I had learned by the following semester. I wouldn't worry about them too much, but still try to pass them. ^_^


Personally I never understood how people can have so much music, since that's a lot of hours of music (if saved in certain formats), but that's just me. I actually wish I could recommend a good MP3 player, but every time I get one, it somehow breaks or messes up... I know you said you don't want iPods, but I'm actually wanting to get an iPod Touch myself at some point because of some of the other features I was able to check out on one that my friend has.


©1984-2010 Toaraga EAM


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One thing i have to say, is that if you were to end up with an Ipod, go Classic.


Seriously, they're the same size as a Touch, but at least fifty some times more memory in it, if i'm crunching numbers i faintly remember right.


Other than that, i got nothing. My first Ipod is still here... never moving... i blame a never moving computer, a never moving home, and a never moving me for that.

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One thing i have to say, is that if you were to end up with an Ipod, go Classic.


Seriously, they're the same size as a Touch, but at least fifty some times more memory in it, if i'm crunching numbers i faintly remember right.


Other than that, i got nothing. My first Ipod is still here... never moving... i blame a never moving computer, a never moving home, and a never moving me for that.


But the Touch is sooo much better. You can do so much stuff on it.


But of course if you're looking for just music then I agree.



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One thing i have to say, is that if you were to end up with an Ipod, go Classic.


Seriously, they're the same size as a Touch, but at least fifty some times more memory in it, if i'm crunching numbers i faintly remember right.


Other than that, i got nothing. My first Ipod is still here... never moving... i blame a never moving computer, a never moving home, and a never moving me for that.


But the Touch is sooo much better. You can do so much stuff on it.


But of course if you're looking for just music then I agree.



But the touch is sooo much more expensive. I'm not a type of person to care about the zillion and one things technology can do. I want it for music, videos, pictures--pretty much for media entertainment.


I think I'm just going to go with a Zune in the end. It's cheaper with me and works out with my computer configuration better.

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